Exclusive yellow Jade ruyi Zu Sa Wen Cang Pen, activated open Luck by 老师. For study and career, at only $48. It will be super useful for 2011 activating the Wen Cang Star and can be used forever. How to use? 2011 will tell you. You can place your order by sending an email to orders@omhealth.com
This is designed for people who always wanted to activate Wen Cang place but unable to afford FS item that cost a lot. This powerful 4 directional Ruyi Wencang will be just great.
hi, may i request FS talk 2011 to be on a weekday nite or weekend noon? wish to join but working on sat morning.. tks =)
I tried le, for two years end up weekday nite not enough people, sorry, u got to make an effort ba....
Sometimes example u wanna attend a course, is on saturday, u cannot ask the school to change for u right ahahha...
SOrry hor....
bryan lao shi
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