Sunday, October 17, 2010

Crystal Class

Date : 23 OCt 2010.
Time : 9am till 1pm
Venue: CSC Room
Fees : $108 Inclusive of an activated crystal pack of 7 crystals for each students.

Fees is at 1/4 of market rate. Do register if you want to learn all about crystals.

With LOVE Bryan 老师......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bryan Lao Shi will give each participant one Free Chakra Bag consist of 7 Crystal for healing & protection & theory notes included at his 4 hrs Workshop on 23rd Oct 2010.

U must bring along yr Exercise Bk & 2 Ball Pen for writing down yr theory notes. If u really scared of cold environment, pls along yr Sweater or Scraf to keep yr body very warm during attending yr Workshop on 23rd Oct 2010.

U can travel by MRT to Farrer Park(Exit B-Tessensoh Rd) & walking distance abt 5 to 10 mins to reach the Civil Service Club for attending Bryan Lao Shi's Workshop.

U can send yr email to for yr registeration, yr name, yr mobile/contactable number & Title Name: Crystal & Color Therapy Class.

Thk u for yr attention.

Have a Nice Wkday.

fm Karen Tong