Sunday, October 17, 2010

Year 2011 Fun Forecast....

8 Jan class is FULL HOUSE: Thank you. Once register, please come for the class and do not change date okie....I have confirmed with you already thanks =)

Extra new date 15 Jan, you can start registering now....

An annual event and biggest of 2011 on 15 Jan 2011.
I announced its open for registration now.

Time : 10am to 12.30pm
Fees : $35 Per person
Venue: To be announced again

It will not be another long winded fengshui talk... but SHORT, SWEET & SHARP forecasts for you. Its only once a year. Email to to register.

Your subject title in your email will be "Welcome 2011". Remember to include your contactable number, name and number of seats required. Every participant will receive a powerful blessed fengshui pocket card designed by Edric.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have registered for the 2nd class.
