Monday, September 27, 2010

Why :>

A friend once asked me why I am only charging $108 for my Crystal class, while the market rate is around $400. My friend looked at me in disbelief when I told him there's also a pack of healing crystal for all students.

I told my friend if this amount is enough to pay for the pack of healing crystals, room rental and a bit for me to cover my time and effort, it would be good enough for me. I still standby my belief to educate people on crystal therapy. Not everyone can afford to pay $400 for a crystal class. It is very reassuring to see participants being trained and educated with proper knowledge of crystal therapy after the class.....I think its well worth all the effort. The number of people who were trained with proper crystal therapy in Singapore is increasing. Last year 200 students were trained....

I remembered one case whereby this lady who suffered from stress, that caused fatigues and bodyache for no reason. I advised her to perform some chakra balancing and breathing exercise. She felt so much better in just a week. Crystal healing and color music therapy is not something airy fairy. Its real.... Its vibrational science.....

We have 7 colors, 7 music tones, 7 crystal energy centers......

Above is a healing set mandala where a family requested me to do for them. I think this family is doing well now. They have also recovered from the "haunt" from some fengshui master who claimed their family will break down in a year time. I did a mandala of protection and reprogrammed their mind with love and light, instead of fear instilled by "Master's advice"..... The above set is known as a mandala set. Each set took me days to design and feeling of energy to customise. I don't think I have the time to do this now...hmm...

In crystal color therapy class, I will share how to use crystal layouts for health, balance your life, wealth and health. We will have lots of fun :p

Oh by the way, for the next 2 weeks take some lemongrass tea with brown sugar. This will help to fight the "bad luck " star appeared this 2 weeks. When a person body is in balance, you are the best fengshui item.


Anonymous said...

Attending the class, look and sound interesting, and of course, much more value for money,looking forward to find out more for what the meaning of the picture represent for *_* LV,RT

Anonymous said...

Hi laoshi thank you for sharing the fengshui drink

Anonymous said...

anyone know where can get the lemongrass beside the one laoshi recommend? always out of stock the lemongrass

Anonymous said...

You can buy fresh lemongrass from market or supermart and boil it yourself.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bryan,
I've attended your crystal class last year. It gives me a very good knowledge on how to use crystals, how the world of crystals work. To tell you the truth, I'm surprised how science plays a part in crystal therapy. I'm convinced and still applying the knowledge you taught to my crystals.
