Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bryan's Healing Sun method

Hippocrates, who is hailed as the father of modern medicine, but whose curative ideas are ignored by our drug-happy culture, built the sanitarium of Hippocrates on the Island of Cos with a large solarium attached to heal with sun rays...........

Our health and mental states are damaged by the absence of the sun in our lives. We only need to look to the past to see it. How true is above sentence...?
In this blog here , I am going to share about Black Tourmaline, mala or activated crystal healing sun method.

A master once told me, " Bryan, nothing negative can go near SUN, you need to observe the nature and use it on your healing work on emotions and health......"

Time is right now. Let me share........ ..... ........ but before I share this method.... think of my words first..... Its time for my readers to do some thinking, am I right? What method I am going to impart...?


Anonymous said...

Actually, that comment about a solarium on Cos is completely untrue - where did you get it from? I've been to Cos and I am a medical historian...

Anonymous said...

Can u share with us with is the
meaning of Solarium?

What u do as a Medical Historian?

Yes, we are very busy working in air-con environment. We do not have any time to go outdoor for sun tanning. If u reach home, u will automically switch on your aircon to go sleep every night. I know that it is very unhealthy & very scared of UV ray from Sun. We are using umbrella to block UV ray fm hot sun nowaday.

Our Ancestor r more healthy & will not get very sick quite easily. Our Ancestor will plant their fresh vegetable, fruit at their planation, keep chicken, pig, duck etc at the Kampong in the early 1960. We eat fresh chicken & duck egg. We bathe very cold well water. We have used chopped wood to cook our meal daily.

fm Karen Tong(Sin)

June said...

Anonymous: wow u have been to COs, is an History; bryan's post is a quote, the main purpose of the post is to share on healing Sunrays....

Ur Ego self is really eating you up. Than what is History of Cos.... There is no fix or accurate history

c.460–c.370 B.C., Greek physician, recognized as the father of medicine. He is believed to have been born on the island of Cos, to have studied under his father, a physician, to have traveled for some time, perhaps studying in Athens, and to have then returned to practice, teach, and write at Cos.

Anonymous said...

Oh anonymous 2010 5:22am

wow you read bryan post so early must be from "COs" or ofcos no cos....... If u can explain the History here and dont just say half way....

and June thats a great information but it seems not very accurate....

Lao Shi with your wisdom quickly post the answer.... if not people fight la...

Anonymous said...

See this

Millions things start from sun.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what is medical hostorian..... Doctor ah> ? Must ask Doctor Phua now.....