I was taught the skill of setting up a mini healing corner at home for healing and happiness. It is not an altar, thus there's no need to light incense or carry out a lot of procedures :)
Its so easy that you can also even set up corner or you can bring along when travelling.
The above is an example of how I set up this Medicine Buddha Healing corner. I set up my healing corner in my room. I put some crystals and decor the corner cute and comfy. It is not necessary for you to put a clear quartz crystal cluster. If you are of other religion, you need not put the picture of Medicine Buddha.
Well, there's no hard and fast rule for a healing corner. It is a corner for you to do your breathing exercise , acupressure or positive affirmations. You can chant mantra or do many things here related to healing.
After 49 days, it will build up a healing energy. This healing energy helps many to recover from chronic illnesses.
For all other religions, you can put some nice decorations that symbolised health of non religious and do positive affirmations here. This corner will build up a psychological EM wave of healing when you do positive affirmations. Look at this corner whenever you feel down or sad. It will make you feel a lot better. Just like the smell of your neighbours' cooking, where the aroma reminds you of your mum or childhood, making you so comfortable :)
If you do not own your own place, but perhaps renting a place from others, you can put the healing mala/ bracelet in a nice box. Take the healing mala/bracelet out from the box whenever you wanna do meditation or positive affirmations. After you are done, put it back into the box.
The above set of Medicine Dzi Bracelet, Healing Medicine Card and Pendant are blessed. It is $280 (without clear quartz cluster). Your family name will be put in the temple on Medicine Buddha Lamp for a year. Anyone who are interested, let me know. A lot of effort and sincerity used for this bracelet and healing energy be with all. Mobile number 94895606
Where can I find the temple with Medicine Buddha Lamp?
Hi Bryan
Can you advice which direction of the bedroom is good for healing corner.
Thank you
Version 1:
Tayatha Om Bekanze
Bekanze Maha BeKanze
Radze Samu gate Soha
Version 2:
Om namo bhagawate Bhaishjaye guru
vaidurya prabha rajaya tathagataya
arhate samyaksam buddhaya teyatha
om bekhajye bekhajye maha bekhajye
bekhajye rajaya samungate svaha
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