Dzi will shine with different colors under different light. You can see its true quality. A man made crystal cost at $500 but a whole real Medicine Dzi Bracelet is only $280.
This is an authentic medicine (Yao Shi) dzi bead. It is believed that this medicine dzi bead is able to protect its owner from unfortunate events from befalling onto him and to protect him from sickness. This bead is also believed to be able to strengthen its owner's will power to recover from sickness quickly.
Personally, I feel instant calming and healing as I hold it. Hard to explain the feeling but it is really calming and full of happy energy in it.
Personally, I feel instant calming and healing as I hold it. Hard to explain the feeling but it is really calming and full of happy energy in it.
Only ONE piece made of rare medicine Dzi Mala.
Honey Medicine Dzi is rare and high quality. A lot of them in market are the dark, man-made or gone through artificial treating to make it so dark and shiny.
Powerful Medicine Mala With big Luck Dzi: $688 (Under natural light. No camera tricks)
Honey Medicine Dzi is rare and high quality. A lot of them in market are the dark, man-made or gone through artificial treating to make it so dark and shiny.

Interested collectors may sms me at 94895606
I find Medicine Dzi Bracelet & Mala can easily blended with our clothing suitable for ladies & men. They r properly activated with 9 procedure by our Bryan Lao Shi for healing & protection. I love them very much to be admired by my eyes.
I love to plug my handphone earpiece by listerning in Medicine Buddha Mantra for 8mins 30sec. I find myself very peaceful and calm in Music Therapy cum Relaxation. I love my Bracelet & Mala very much. I have placed my Mala under my pillow for gd night sleep & protection. I am forward to attend Bryan Lao Shi's Workshop in July.
Hi, where can I find Medicine Buddha Mantra?
Thanks a lot.
U can find Medicine Buddha Mantra dated 26/4/09 at yr right hand panel Labels as Video (8) by scrolling down yr mouse at www.bryanveryluck.blogspot.com.
Lao Shi,
What is the Dzi pattern mean ?
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