Tomorrow meditation class will be a special one :D because tomorrow is 五月初五闰五月 (555). Woww what a nice coincident :D
A powerful 5 elements day. Also good to order crystals and wealth bowl or make mala.
Now is also known as the 闰五月 and the next 闰五月will be 19 years later. If you want to tap on this 闰五月(double lunar May), you must make full use of it for good luck because 下一次闰五月将会是在2028年.
Things you can do during THIS MONTH:
A) Candle offering. If you are not free, I can help you to make candles offering for this month. You can visit
B) BUY YOURSELF a crystal or Gold.
This is a good month to buy a crystal or GUI REN BAG for yourself . It is good to get gold or crystal for your parents for good health too. Suggest Mala, Gui Ren Bag.
If you are considering Mala, 9 eyes Dzi at the moment, this is the right month to invest. It is not necessary to get crystals from me, you can buy from outside too :) Just make good use of this month :)
1) Those who have Mala, Black Tourmaline bracelet or 5 elements bracelet, hold it and make a wish in the morning only when there's SUN.
2) Bath yourself in 5 element oil , 5 drop in water final rinse body.
3) Make wish with activated clear quartz, mala or black tourmaline.
4) Perform Charity using your heart with no expectation in return.
5) 27th Jun is a super good day. Remember to do breathing exercise with your crystal for 5 mins.
6) Burn Kim's sandalwood powder to purify the place.
7) Order 5 elements flower to be put at home. I will usually order mine from a flower shop at Raffles Place. This lady is the only person doing 5 elements flower. Free delivery at $55. Call her at 98535391 for your orders.
8) Order or eat royal jelly is very good now and represent GOLD. My own lobang of organic honey and royal jelly at $163 with free delivery. Call 96523139 to order.
9) Change toothbrush and face towel to new ones (New Beginnnings)
10) Relax Smile and be happy.
Don't waste this month. Otherwise, the next 闰五月 is 19 years later! For me, I Kiasu :p
I will activate my wealth bowls and mala. If you are interested, email to me at info@omhealth.com. I will check for you first and suggest what is suitable for you :)
Bryan, my Amethyst Mala n Bracelet have solved my obstacles one by one these few days.
Bryan, i have practised Medicine Buddha Mantra by pulling back my Amethyst Mala since 25/4(2 mths).
I am fortunate to find Medicine Buddha nearby my hse. It is fate.
I believe it.
I have found n bought Jing Zhi Qing Re Xie Huo Capsule. It is very gentle to my stomach, gd n effective to cure my internal heatiness n puffy eyes.
I will eat Lycium King every morning.
I have bought Gui Ren Bag fm u.
I have more Mentor Luck to help me when i am in trouble at my Workplace. My health and luck have improved.
Xie Xie Bryan Lao Shi.
God bless u with love.
See u again at yr next Workshop.
Hi Bryan,
It should be 闰六月
Hello jj.
my mother and grandma also said this month is special, its lun wu yue. So Bryan laoshi should be correct.
Hi Shuping,
U r rite. I think my calender make a mistake in typing error. By the way, what is 5 elements flower ?
Kim's sandalwood powder is very nice. I like using it to cleanse my amethyst mala. It is so convenient and very effective.
Hi jj,
I asked Bryan the same question before. 5 elements flower is because it has 5 colors representing the 5 elements. I ordered for my sis in law's housewarming. Everyone complimented it.
I think using the sandalwood powder is a very fast and easy method to cleanse my crystals and flat.
I also enjoy using your 5 elements oil when I mop the floor. My flat smells very uplifting.
I won $800 for company's lucky draw and your mala bring good lukc. thanks lao shi
Hi Susan,
Thank you for your reply. Do u know what are the 5 cols ?
5 Elements shld be Fire, Earth, Metal, Water n Wood.
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