I think it is really important to view things with an open heart. We should not mix religion with certain important health knowledge. There are many health techniques which are developed during ancient times. Very often, information on religions can be found in historical books because it is culture. Thus, many people thought it is religious.
For example, yoga can be divided into as stretches and religious. We should learn the stretches techniques. Do you know a lot of stretches that we learnt in school during PE class, is actually same as yoga and comes from there. I really hope those who have super body ache to pick up one or two stretches from the ones that I taught or even from books. Do it daily and you will find it helps a lot in relieving your body ache.
Life is beautiful and short. View this world with an open mind. Learn to choose happiness wisely. Learn to give love and smile. Live with loving kindness and a compassionate heart. God is universal Love.
Another misconception that many people have, and has been bothering me for many years. Buddhist Hand Mudra is actually developed for health. Just because it was developed in Hinduism, it doesn't mean it is religious. Actually, hand mudra is meridians acupressure. Our palm has 5 elements related to 5 organs. Therefore, when combine differently, it activate certain electric pulse for different purposes
Pattern 1
Index and thumb pressing together. You can do this gesture at any time of the day.
a) Increases memory power and sharpens the brain
b) Enhances concentration and prevents Insomnia
If we practice it regularly, it will overcome psychological disorders such as, Mental, Hysteria, Anger and Depression.
Pattern 2
One can practise this gesture it for 10 minutes daily until the illness is overcome :)
a) It relieves earache within 4 or 5 minutesPattern 3
a) Helps in Rheumatism, Gout, Parkinson's disease and paralysis
b) Useful for Cervical Spondilytis, paralysis to face and catching of nerve in neck
c) Corrects the disorder of gas in the stomach because it activates the stomach meridian.
I enjoy doing research and share my findings. Today is an auspicious 5 elements day. Thus, I hope the above info can help to improve our health. Do leave some of your positive affirmations here and bring this happiness to others :)
This article is posted solely for health purpose. It is not related to any particular religions. It is just an ancient science that offers solution for many health problems. Thank you :)
Bryan, thk u for teaching yr Oneness group with Mudra(2 types of 2 hand posture for Meditation) to improve our Health.
I have being practising Mudra, Meditation cum Breathing Exercise since 18/6. My face/complexion have improved, more and more radiant.
My Amethyst Mala and Bracelet have solved my obstacle these few days. All my wishes have came true. Yeah, i feel happy, peaceful and contended to pray Medicine Buddha for gd health, happiness n peace.
I will going to Kwann Inn Ma, Trembing Rd for praying n donated money for charity.
See u again at yr Next Workshop.
Xie Xie, Bryan Lao Shi.
Hi Bryan Lao Shi
I have learnt alot from you through your blogs. Thank you very much!
Jia You!
Bryan, I am much older then you but I learnt a lot from you.
You taught me to keep an open heart to all things. This sounds easy but I realised it made me a better person..I become more patient, more tolerant, more appreciative and happier.
Thank you.
I hope you can continue to spread your teachings and love.
Mdm pang.
Bryan, i got neck injury for many yrs. I have practised Pattern 1,2 n 3 for 2 days. Pattern 3 for 10 mins really trained my will power, determination n patient. Thk u, Bryan Lao Shi, i feel more relaxed n lesser bodyache and pain.
Hi Bryan,
All these hand gestures, is it to be done with both hands together?
Or anybody can help?
Thanks & cheers
U can practise with both hands. It is more effective that it can massage all hand meridian accupressure to improve yr health.
For pattern 3, pressing 3 mins only.
God bless with love.
fm Sweety Baby
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