Friday, April 17, 2009

Remember Ammonite Fossil?

Last Year, 15 ammonite fossil from Brett were all sold out. Do you happen to be one of the lucky owner?
Look at mine. It is shining with rainbow now. So beautiful isn't it? I will put it near my mala or hold it and rub with my thumb when I watch TV.
Ammonite Fossil when received proper activation will bring good energy to you.
Tonight is a chance for me to share more healing techniques using crystals energy during the crystal practical class. I am looking forward to it! It is only who for those who have attended Crystal class before. We will learn methods to cut away and remove long term hidden blockages in our life, bringing balance and happiness to our life with crystals. If you want to attend my practical class , the pre-requisite is Crystal Color therapy workshop. You will enjoy it, trust me :D
The next crystal & color therapy class is on 23rd May. Do not miss it :)
Brett will be sending 8 high energy ammonite fossil to me during end of the month. Interested party can email me to reserve first.

This 2 mala comes in a pair and it did not happen by chance. Only one pair for collectors. Only one pair with 9 eye and double happiness Dzi. One full set only for one person. Will not design a second pair. It is activated with violet flame, Gui Ren energy and Zu sa.


Anonymous said...

Ammonite rich in colors stimulate creativity, energy, wisdom, intellect and wealth.

Not only does it bring balance to a person body, but also to a person surrondings.

When the stone is placed in the home, it promotes a happy family, and when it in the office, it promotes good business dealings.

In essence anyone who finds or possesses ammonite is entitled to wondrous properity and fortune.

Anonymous said...

I have read through those reader comments regarding sugilite bracelet, Chakra bag and CDC Assistance etc. I love it.

Thk u for yr encouragement via sms.

Jia You, Bryan Lao Shi.
