Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Year 2025 (quick Draft)

 I often says   October Novemeber December 2024 is a great preparation for a good 2025. This 3 months we must have awareness and no matter what we face have a good energy to handle it. Namly 

Rosemary oil

Lemon oil

This 2 will be super useful this period. 


2025 is a fire snake and it is a Year of Wood. So in general it is an auspicious year. Thats why i let u all order the Promo A and Promo B  we will use alot of 5D coin.

According to The BOOK of TONG SHU

( Thats why I come out with the animal set and alot usages)

October to December what to eat for the following animals:

Rooster has the best luck of all 12 animals   ( Sunflower seeds)

Make full use 2025 and use alot of 5 element oil and do affirmation in morning.


Tiger Snake and Pig So so so and is more on financial need to do proper planning and rem wear your black tourmaline or look for a citrine bracelet. Omhealth is coming out a activated citrine bracelet simple at $168 soon.

( Kit kat Chocolates)


Rat Ox Rabbit Dragon Horse Goat Monkey and Dog general ok . 

( Pineapple related things)

Use more Bai Wu Jin Ji Coin for 2025. Omhealth launch new batch at $28


See the previous post and order ur Promo A or Promo B 5 D coin and 6 d and five element oil


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Animal Set 2025


ZOOM Class

Hi all Summarised

Animal Sign limited le as I dont have much time to pack and tie. Leng Lai will be away from October to December FYI.

Animal Sign set is $38.8 All order whatsapp Grace 93804581; I have a new facial serum at $68 but purchase with purchase is at $38 


Promo A : $162

x 2 5D coin and

x 1 6D hulu and

x 1 5 element oil

Free: 5 D coin


Promo B: $210

x 2 5D coin

x 2 6D hulu

x1 5 element oil

Free : 5D coin

Free: Agarwood cone x 4 (4 season of good luck)


Purchase with Purchase U can buy

Infinity Blend New Oil + Protection mist + Tranquility Mist

at $118 instead of $155 (Save $37)

Thursday, September 19, 2024

2025 Luck Items And more

 Hi all we are approaching the end of 2024. Just a simple announcement. This coming year our welcome talk will be ZOOM. And yes will have alot of topics that really can help many to have a happier energy life.

Normally yearly we have our lucky items;

Rem your rice urn set can continue to use for one more year and for 2025 the wealth is the fridge area rem to put our 5D coin. As omhealth have less manpower now. We will have limited 5D and 6D hulu as all are omhealth productions. Not mass production.


New Items formation from Bryan lao Shi at $38.80


Well is the Opening year for Period 9. As now more or less we aware that this period 9 is totally not easy. Many master express the significant of 2025 

2025 will see a lot of influence from the numbers 5, 9, 1, 4, and 5. And the numerology for 2025 is 9

and with period 9. This can consider hmmmm a year of many pattern. 2024 already tiring le but heng we have 6d hulu, incense, 5 element oil and the mist that really help many. U all think back really it helps. 

The good thing about 2025 is changes that will lead to success so there's a possibility for things to settle down after minor disputes . So i design this power set as shown below.


1) The auspicious round coin that bring in auspicious auric energy for 2025.

2) Jade 3 animal tied base on your own animal sign. In 12 animal sign 3 animal signs




3) The metallic Pixiu to ward of negative energy and harness abundance and wealth.

4) This tortise shell is movable and inside can open and hidden 3 coin. Represent a shield from negative energy and Return of wealth to You.

How to Use?

The 3 animal jade is very good and i use for my iphone hanger and i find good. The tortise and the other two item carry together for 2025 to go auspicious place.

3 Animal Jade: can reduce negative energy and people with health always abit issue one 可以增强自身能量起化煞驱邪的功效;对于财运不佳或者财库受损者,可以增强财运,填补财库;对于人际不佳,常被排挤以致孤立无助者,增强人缘,改善人际关系。

A video will be made to use this set;

As mentioned I will make base on order and limited; Also for 2025 rem to change ur 6dhulu main door and also 5d coin in 3 auspicious area.

Anyway to order this new set $38.8 item do whatsapp Grace by this 2 weeks. After that i may not have the time to tie le. 93804581


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Launch of new Oil Good Infinity Blend

 Hi Halo

For the year 2025 I have a new blend that will help many mental and physical tension.

This blend is a mixture  of lavendula  vera, Eagle Claw flower, Frankincense and Atlantica Wood.

Final rinse body when after u visit places of low energy the eagle claw flower claw them out and return to earth as a nuitrients.

Properties of this flower was imparted to me by Master Tan a very nice master i have  when i was young teaching me different techniques on energy healing.

This Infinity goodness blend helps to balance the energy and welcome the energy of healing and goodness to you and your family. 

U can CNY period 3 drops on tissue and stick to fan and blow around the house and also for footbath (4 drops in warm water) to reduce stress and aches. Also can be use a drop at ur pillow half hour before sleep. This blend reduce anxiety and promote abundance energy. U can combine with the Orange oil.  More usages will be shared. U can also put few drops in shower gel 

Goodness Oil represent wealth prosperous and reduce the fire of period 9 energy affecting people emotion. Also alot people may suffer from inflammation , this oil can blend with easabsorb coconut oil from omhealth to apply on body . Please take note omhealth coconut oil is MCT oil and scentless and not oily. 

Few oil to use for 2025: Definitely 5 element oil to cleanse house and toilet. Goodness oil during CNY or as an when to bring in infinity energy of goodness.


This oil is $55 Infinity Goodness 12 ml to order whatsapp Grace 93804581


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Salt Scrub Special 20g free gift by Bryan 9-9 for YOU

Omhealth almost 30 years le. Time flies. And thank you all for support.

Will be launching a new moisturizer and a new oil for my birthday month. Very power one:> Stay tune

But this 9-9 i have a promo for you:> 10% discount for above 150 and a free 20gram  bryan blended bath salt.


Promo only till 10 Sep 2024. And dont forget after 10 sep no more promo. Dont Aga gaga message grace 1 -2 months laters ask for promo.

 Rem this order can only happen for orders by whatsapp Grace 93804581

This salt I have specially blended with 4 use for students beside detox remedies

The body naturally eliminates toxin itself; however, essential oils, salts, herbs and plants and other natural minerals can support this elimination and also helps to improve body energy

and assisting the body to draw out impurities, ease aches and pains and remove dead skin cells, oil and dirt.  Bryan lao shi this salt scrubs infused in oil, the salt’s mineral ions penetrate the skin, stimulating regeneration, thus rejuvenating and rebalancing the energy

A gentle Scrub helps in aura cleansing wash, salt is utilised in a multitude of ways. The best part about his hand blend by bryan lao shi personally.

9-9 Promo for above $150 10% discount and free this small box salt enough for 4-5 wash.


Wet your body, apply salt to ur body gently leave it on.

Especially stomach neck and behind knees. Than final rinse body. 

AHAHAHAHAAH u will feel so good.


If u have not met me for many years time to meet up again. And also  this will be a last event for next 1 year le:> Thank You.

Left 4 more slots
28 years of event
Music acupressure qi gong mantra ! Special guest Michelle laoshi
Stretch foodcure ! After this event I will rest 6 months !
Old friends and students time to make effort renew ur energy. Whatsapp grace

Monday, August 26, 2024

New energy

Hi all

is now the second energy of autumn. Last few weeks was not easy for many because of planetary movements which result in some tension back and also digestive and mental stress. But again once this week arrive , new energy is here and have faith that all is well.


Lucky food from now to September : Pumpkin and barley.

And yoga pose to do are. Do one round below with rosemary and lemon oil combine inhale u will renew the energy


Very soon now, autumn and the harvest season will be upon us, and the bounty of summer’s growth will begin to fill our barns and sheds. And this will be an opportunity for us, even though we been thru difficulty, to discover the rich harvest of new energy.


I a blend of powerful shower gel with Sakura extract hopeful u all can get for purchase from today of skincare and essential oil.

Whenever we are able to accept it and embrace it, the grace of healing will come to all of us.

Activated 20ml of Sakura shower gel for you. But for purchase from today (26th Augonly above $98. U can whatsapp to order one time using my mobile (next time use website order) 94895606.  Grace has gone a month retreat with mobile turned off.


Omhealth future:

Omhealth have been in business and also serving many in wellness of body mind emotion for 20 over years being the frontier in healing (rem before social media we already have color therapy sound healing numerology and so many) 

I am so glad you all are part of journey . Whether what energy you are going thru now be it easy , difficult and challenging or enjoying life. Rem every moment is a decision to choose of what energy u want to be in. 

Difficult times have happy times, Happy times have also difficult days. But when u are in peace with ur energy and aura, goood or bad wont affect u alot. U see la we already not young le, how many 20 years we have. So go eat things u like, do things u want. U deserve it

Some of omhealth products will discontinue as I have find my time to go thru a new transformation . Thanks for support.

 Rem to use 5 element oil, lavender , royal peppermint and orange oil.



Upcoming new products October (birthday month)

A)         Sakura Face hydrogel lastest technology in face moisturiser.  (leave comments at facebook or email to to resereve as launch price $58 instead of $68

B)         Dragonblood face mist has discontinued due to the change of one active ingredients but a new mist will be launched call youth and clear.

C)         September Abundance Qi gong , affirmation Mantra chanting class and music theray please come ok u have 2 free gifts : Email

What a wonderful beautiful class and dont miss it.




Thursday, August 15, 2024

Power Energy of Lingam Stone

 Hi all

have been sharing crystal healing class since 2001.

THere are some stone I find it has very good energy and i want to share with you this Divine Love stone Lingam from Nepal and authentic .

Different stage in our life i introduce different stones base on own experience. Rem younger days is always about wealth career love.

For me now is all above plus health and stability and energy. This is a good stone to cultivate that. 

How to use it?

Hold it to recharge your energy. Put on ur chest to rest 3 mins on bed. When feeling very block in life, hold it and believe in Divine love energy everything is in right order.

Simplest way is to hold it and do 21 om in morning or evening feel the vibrational energy.

To order email to with ur mobile and i will personally whatsapp you.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Manifestation Good Energy Gathering Event

Date: 15th Sep 2024

 Venue : Skyline dance studio

Time: 930am to 11am

Fees: $50

Gift: $28 doukou oil fresh

Special Guest Guzheng lao shi Michelle.

Register now:



1)Chanting of CHundi mantra together 108 times x 3 (bring your mala)

2) 5 organs balance singing

3) Movement therapy to enhance good energy

4) Qi gong movement to increase body vitality

5) Stretch method for liver and gallbladder meridians

6) Simple foodcure tips (2 recipes to share)

7) Walking Meditation 5 mins a day

8) Backward walking method

9) Laughter is the best medicine.

Heart and small intestine meridians (Updated) Do subscribe my youtube

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Light within You and You are more than that

Omhealth this fan is so good energy many students told me.
Blog readers I left 4 pieces for you. For $2 only for purchase above $168.

Below pic is 18 years ago. Look at the protection mist and tranquility mist. balance of Yin and Yang Energy.


Human and everything in this world is govern by Yin and yang Balance. As I grow older i notice this yin and yang is something beyond religion and is scientific in Advance.

Yin and Yang create each other, control each other, and transform into each other; what creates the physical world. The sympathetic nervous system (Yang) responds to danger or stress, triggering the body’s “fight or flight” response, while the parasympathetic nervous system (Yin) regulates relaxation and digestion

So from here everyone use your brain brain. What can u deduce? Well to me.... too much of good is bad , too many bad things happen means good things will come if u have faith. In your whole life, ur family, relationship, career, health oscillate between Yin and Yang. And i find we need to learn balance.

Example what i learn all these years..,.... ( my personal opinion can be wrong)

Too much cardio exercise (Yang ) is not good
Keep doing Qi Gong Tai Ji (Yin) without some simple cardio exercise u cant gain best benefits.

Pray Pray

Keep chant and chant and chant pray and pray (yin) Ok good quiet the mind but without puting action to help people (yang) , there is so much u can achive.

When a person have too much good luck, so much all opportunities come, U bound to face some difficulties and challenges and this is a much as balance of Yin and Yang. 

Is ok to have aches and pains and aging as is a cycle of life and having aches and pain allow you to do exercise and Stretch and foodcure to go thru ur life with ease (balance of Yin and Yang)


7  days better Energy :

When Luck not so Good and Career stagnant and Health so so do Yin Yang balance daily

Balance your Yin and Yang daily begins with Simple Breathing.

Essential Oil ( 5 element oil, rosemary spanish and Lavendula vera)

A) Definitely with technology and social media the yang and yin is out of balance easily. Spend 3 mins a day do alternate noise breathing to balance Yin and Yang
 Block your right nostril with your thumb and inhale through your left. Plug your left nostril, then exhale slowly through your right. Inhale through your right nostril. Then, plug your right nostril and slowly exhale through your left

B) Use minty oil at neck before sleep to release stress. Royal peppermint is a power .

C) Chant a mantra in your mind when u are waiting for friends or transport or negative thoughts appear. Well mantra can be non religious and works wonder.

Example " Peace Harmony and Compassion" repeatedly in your mind
for me is Chundi mantra .

D) Replace dinner with soupy or very lite dinner and must eat before 630pm. ( if a little things like that u also cant, dont come and ask me how to transform your luck, many like to ask me alternative and in hope i can give u simple way out, sorry ). Oh lao shi i work late , only can eat 8pm. " errr, think use ur initiative, than  have agood breakfast and lunch. Dinner just oats quick instant one.

E) Listen to a piece of music of healing daily. I love to listen to OM sound from Youtube. 

F)  Whatsapp motivantional words and greetings to people: " Hey how have you been, checking on you and hope u doing well"

G) within this 7 days, get some flowers put in living room. And spray protection must 5 spray and tranquility mist 5 spray around the flowers


September class at Skyline Dance studio and all attendees a bottle Doukou Oil Dont mist the chance.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Handling Dragon Year Mid year le the negative energy

 2024 is already mid year le

Rem to use rosemary oil (clean windoor floor and tissue few drops put near shoe cabinet.)

Shoe cabinet energy need to be handled second half of the year and 6 drops rosemary oil in tissue throw inside. 

Protection mist, Tranquility mist and the FAN!

Promo for spending above $168 fresh purchase and only whatsapp Grace 93804581 the fan is $2. No back track of orders and ask for fan thank you.

I am confident for the fan And I saved some for blog reader and old students. Please rem contaact Grace 993804581 for this activated fan

I believe most of you can feel the mental and physical fatigue energy emitted from this first Period 9 for year of dragon. Internal conflicts and also alot of minor happenings.

MOST important to understand way to maintain the energy and also methods to raise your energy. Thats why i do a $2 free gift for students who purchase above $168 and few received the fans and share with me good news. Thanks for the trust.

How to raise vibration

So sometimes human do go thru difficult rough patches may be quite challenging. And sometimes a series of events happen from health to family to house to work. can let you feel your energy dipping and your mood sinking. Seems motivational energy gone. Well this is the time to raise your vibrational energy. 

Method: Shift your energy and focus.

When too many things happen. Fastest way to rise your energy is to spare yourself 8 mins to do aromatherapy breathing visualisation of awareness. This is the fastest way to clean ur aura and rise your energy. Tap into your inner light. We attract the energy we think of. So if you are vibrating in a low freuqency u attract more negativie.. But magical things starts to happen if you shift ur energy of focus.

A) Spray some protection mist around u than focus on one thing in your life you are grateful for. If u cant think of, just aware and gratitude to the Sun energy. Trust me when u start to turn on the awareness of gratitude your vibrational energy change.

When you are in a state of gratitude it is impossible fror the lower vibrational energy to appear. As oil and water dont get together. You are telling your mind " hey there are good things in life" 

Gratitude: Example the Sun, Your five organs, give thanks to one of your organ daily.

What bryan lao shi do:

I spray Mist above around me (protection mist and tranquility mist). I use some oil rosemary spanish and light abit incense.

Than I do 8 times slow deep breathing. And put my attention to one thing i am gratitude of. For me SUN or liver etc. 

Than i recite this simple gratitude. choose one or make up ur own 

  • I am grateful for the small things in life that bring me joy.
  • I am thankful for the challenges that make me stronger and wiser.
  • I appreciate the beauty of nature that surrounds me.

Follow by I do a simple yoga stretch and stay there for 3 mins .

I love apply some oil on my wrist and do left and right 3 mins. Side bends.

++++++++++++++++++++ After that turn ur fan or use ur crystals +++++++++++

Act of Kindness:> Transform your energy.
When you help others you move from the state of ME to We. Help people, listening ear to someone who needed it. You will find your heart expand and energy lift. We access energy of compassion , love and kindness that we didnt know we have it. Act of kindness can be a daily small little things :> 

Practice Kindness:
When we give to others we also give to ourselves when we extend kindness we also receive. It is like a vibrational boomerang what we send out comes back to us . SO be kind and say good things and watch our critical mindset.

Omhealth has given you many tools to brightly illumintate your path and also bring happiness to others.

The famous 6D hulu at your main door blocking negative energy. The 5D coin working hard to balance your house energy.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Fan Of energy

 Hi all wish all of you Happy Guan Yin Dan.

today for blog readers on Guan Yin dan I will activate the fengshui Fan for those who purcahse on skincare and oil and haircare for above $168. I left four pieces for blog reader whilestocklast .

FRESH PURCHASE ONLY TODAY 24th July 2024. For order whatsapp Grace 93804581. Fresh purchase only today. And the fan will be $2 for above $168

Fengshui Fan I first sold 20 years ago at $45 each and today on GYD I am giving out a few to u all first come first. It is the tool that said to to turn the negative energy and bad fortune down. Displaying this tool on your desk predict your good fate is coming. I think I can feel its good energy. 

U can display in living room or study room or office desk. Key things is turn the fan when u feel not right or in wish of some good energy or sales coming in.

Made from brass, the Lucky Feng Shui Fan is an excellent metal cure to counter the flying star 5

How to use ?
Turn it in a clockwise direction to amplify good energy and wealth energy.
Turn it in an anticlockwise direction to evade the negative energy.
Turn the fan seven times in an anticlockwise direction and eight times in the clockwise direction for those unemployed and lost in the share market.
That’s what people say but for omhealth I activate as good intention for u with golden dot to wish u good energy !
Be sincere and respectful when turning the fan.
Ideal to be placed on your work desk, bedroom, or living room

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Period 9 Lunar Month Six now

Upcoming class and free Doukou Oil. This course have mantra chanting that day and also movement and music and qi gong. Michelle lao shi will be invited:>

Hi all it has been some time i updated this blog. Currently I am busy updating weekly lessons and upload to youtube to help more people. U can visit subscribe to my youtube when free

Link for better sleep :  (click to youtube and subscribe when free)

18th July to end July Food
1) Papaya 
2) Ang Ku Kuek

Eat some can bring harmony and energy to ur auric fields. Try it when feel down.

Period 9 Effects:

This major shift in energy for next 20 years till 2043 is not easy.  it's crucial to pay attention to our health, particularly the eyes, heart, brain, and digestive system. 

You may felt alot of stored energy around chest area and knee or hips. Result in feeling agitation and leg weakness and digestive issues.

I have created Doukou Oil to target the above. Doukou oil is a fire element oil to handle the fire poison of 2024 and next 20 years. It truly can help many. Apply chest first before using different parts of body.


Trapped Emotions and negative energy can manifest as:

  • Headaches
  • Body aches
  • Restlessness
  • Stomach pain
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Irritability
Work with a mudra to heal the Positive Qi in the body. According to my experience a 5 mins of breathing exercise with the following affirmations works wonder. The breathing is INhale.... to tummy slowly exhale thru nose .....  And the mind chant the mantra affirmations

Affirmation: One Thing at a Time. Everything is in Divine Order. Both hand in this mudra. 

Empower ( Before doing the affirmations and breathing inhale the following oil from cotton. And than this cotton become a shield throughout the day and carry in ur bag or pocket)
Inhale the cotton with 2 drops rosemary and 2 drops Orange Oil. This cotton can carry throughout the day.

Glamor Mist is extremely powerful to you this period (Not only good for skin but energy and auric energy) Glamor Mist Glamour Skin Dew 100ml with Frankincense and Dragonblood – Omhealth ( (click to read more)

It is blended with Dragonblood extract and frankincense and minerals herbs. It hydrates, skin at all times and can be used on top of make up.

Our skin needs special hydration because of the environment.


Water, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice Powder, Rose Geranium Leaf Oil, Lavender  Oil, Dragons Blood Extract, Frankincense Oil, Avocado Oil, Olive Fruit Oil, Natural Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Green Tea Leaf Extract, Lactic Acid, Soybean Oil, Calendula Flower Extract.


8 Special Promo for you this July.

Do support omhealth skincare and haircare and essential oil. Till today I still ensure quality products to you and its freshness.

Do take note cleanser and flower water all color and scent different base on different batch but all super good quality.

This is activated face eye and head massager for those purchase above $150 and you can whatsapp for this special oil 93804581 for this week. And there is a $10 discount. I demo this wood on Radio Show u all can see

FM 958

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Green Phantom is Back this Supreme Grade

 Hi all it is truly difficult to find this Grade of Supreme Grade green phantom

Supreme Green Phantom Healing
I had my first green phantom crystal as a gift 20 over years ago when I was working as an engineer. And also that year I got my phantom bracelet. And looking back. Is amazing.
It facilitate healing and is a master healing.

It is a clear quartz with green inclusion (many now in Chiaanaa thet do injection green to it).
For people who work with energy and need to be around with alot people it protect ur energy for being drained. All phantom crystals is a facilitator of self grow. When a person work for greater good or caregiver etc. It helps to purify the energy when working with people.

Allows you to have more pure energy. Is a fantastic to use for detoxifying your emotion and aura. Removing unwanted things from within you and clearing.

It has a super grounding energy and release excess emotion that u have been holding and allow the earth absorb as fertilizer to nourish the earth.

Let me know if u want one 93804581 (contact Grace)

Dont forget to register the Dance studio class at waterloo Guan Yin temple beside

Healing with Bryan Lao Shi

Hi if u miss my radio here it is

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Period 9 : Is just another period for next 20 years

Times are different and we cant get back the enery that we are used to and need to face new energy coming our way.

In life is not the number of obstacles and welath and dramas we experience that define us. IT  IS HOW WE MANAGE THEM

Whether rich or poor , happy family or lucky family, success people , without out doubt, no matter how lucky you are you will definitely face trauma of some kind or other in your lifetime. 

Everyone will have to deal with at least one of these life changing events; 

1) Loss of loved one  ( use peppermint and bergamot)

2) Loss of status or job ( Use affirmation blend)

3) Illnesses ( Bryan relax blend final rinse 4 times a week)

Many times we see people posting very happy or success photos in facebook but it is two sided.... It may create jealousy or upset to people who are not successful. 

No matter how happy or successful you are, share just within ur members... U can make it public but not too much, as u are not superstars , people dont bother.

Example, a students has lost a job for 3 months and his classmates keep posting very success pic and bosting his life ...... Well....

Negative energy starts to accumulate and point back to this success person. Like it or not..... . So be mindful.

In older days remember when there is no facebook , we share our happiness when only with specific people. Unless u so superstar post ur success in newspaper.

 Affirmation to have  A GREAT energy everning Morning:

Use lemon rosemary and egypt geranium a drop in tissue.

New Dragonblood mask is infused with powerful ingredients not only with healing properties but good aura for skin. The mask $50 will be ending this week. And will resume $68 

Click here: Dragon’s Blood Frankincense Cream Mask $68 ( promo now $50 for first 30 pax) – Omhealth (


7th July 2024 Healing Qi Gong AND acupressure class i will be sharing with u on healing to release the imprints of past event and bring in Divine love energy on how you can better manage your emotions and mind when facing current change and challenging events.

A clear music therapy with body movement  lead you to clear past trauma’s imprints that have left you with fear or limitations whether consciously remembered or subconsciously in your cellular memory.  And help you to achieve a good energy and positive  mindset.

Date: 7th July 2024

Venue: Dance studio NEW at Waterloo beside Guan yin Temple (power right)

Time: 930am to 1130am

Fees: $55

Email :

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Positive Thinking

 I have just done a ZOOM class sharing that positive thinking is extremely important in a harsh energy environment sometimes. But sometimes is difficult to have positive thinking when u are going thru alot. Is it ?

Well if u have a determination u will be able to transformed in this period 9. This year energy is not easy to handle but with essential oil like five element oil. Bryan relax Blend, rosemary and Orange blend. U will be fine.

I want to share with u that saying affirmation is not fake. Is something like a homework u do daily. U dont care what happen just say it. IS free is the energy of power of words that pierce thru negativity.

SAY IT daily and when saying use some aromatherapy oil.

All students remember start wearing your black tourmaline bracelet. Version2 and 3 still have u can whatsapp Grace for details range between $288 to $380.  93804581


In the mean time, stay tune for 2 class this year.

1) Garden walk $10

2) Healing class with Bryan lao shi exclusive at dance studio. $68


Launch of Dragon Blood frankincense facial mask. 

This mask apply on skin leave it on for 20 mins. After wash off. U will feel a silky emollient on ur skin and is very healing and of course good luck.

A creamy moisturising mask with the skin rejuvenating properties of Dragons Blood, a sap from the  Croton Lechleri Tree which is native to South America.

Active Ingredients: Dragons Blood, Jojoba Seed Oil, Chamomile Blue Extract, Resveratrol, Frankincense Oil.
Directions: Apply a thin layer evenly to cleansed skin. Leave for 20 minutes and then gently rinse off using any cleanser u have best rinse off with Astiquer cleanser. Recommended for use up to 3 times per week.

This mask is $68.

There is a promo today for above $150 is $12 discount. If u want whatsapp Grace items list 93804581

Friday, April 12, 2024

Happiness from WITHIN

 Our body is a vehicle for our true soul. The soul is actually connected to the Divine True Source of Power and love and compassion.

Because of worldly concern we face daily. Many times we lost touch with our Divine Soul which is fearlessness and calm.

Start today Connect to the Divine Source. In  non religious way. I will close my eyes smile and 

1) 5 deep inhale and exhalation.

2) Normal breathing.

3) Set intention connection with Divine source for purification

4) Relax breath in and out 5 mins

Do it daily. One day, u will notice, daily people and environment issues wont eat ur emotion up and u become more "see open“ 安定。

You start to notice you’re living in the flow state more. It’s easier to make decisions that resonate powerfully within yourself. The troubles and past drama crumble from your existence and fall wake of your forward movement.

Light some Sandalwood powder mix with high mountain incense. Try. Or spray tranquility Mist ok:>


Stay tune i may conduct a healing class base on 28 years experience once this year:> I am attending a number of courses lately. Do support ur ok:>

  Allow yourself and myself and everyone to feel Happy

In Buddhism we learn to end suffering to be happy. But i think we dont have to wait for end of all of our suffering before we can feel happy again. U and me can feel happy now.  We need to change our idea of happiness to recognize the happiness that is available to us right here and right now. 

Lotus flowers need mud to grow; they cannot grow on marble. Without suffering, happiness is not possible. So , if you know how to suffer, you dont suffer as much as anymore, and out of our suffering, a lotus flower of happiness can grow.

We can use our suffering to generate happiness, understanding and love. When we embrace our suffering and look deeply into it, we can understand it better, and we can better understand the suffering of others, too. With this comes compassion and forgiveness. understanding and love are the foundation of happiness. B

By embracing our suffering, understanding it, and tending to it, love and compassion will be generated. So we see that happiness and suffering are two sides of the same coin. They inter-related. We cannot have one without the other. Once understand this u learn to use 平常心 handle 无常。 Whatever u are going thru now, cannot injured ur pure soul which is fearlessness and Joyful. U are just here in this life to expereince life. Take it this way.

regards Bryan Lao Shi

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

aura Amber energy


To make a bracelet of aura amber of highest quality needs alot of fine cut on the best area in a rock.

These elements absorb and reflect light to produce a stunning blue hue.
THe benefits of this bracelet

1) Clarity and focus
2) Enhance a person mood and energy, it can be place near pillow to enhance calmness
3) Memory improvements
4) It has a inner strengthn activation energy
5) Grounding

I activate thhis bracelet with intention of u feeling good and happy.

Wishing it to bring good luck and wealth to its owne as it carries a gentle, calming energy that can help ease away tension, fear and worry.

Activated 3 pieces at $280. Who wants can whatsapp Grace 93804581