Friday, April 12, 2024

Happiness from WITHIN

 Our body is a vehicle for our true soul. The soul is actually connected to the Divine True Source of Power and love and compassion.

Because of worldly concern we face daily. Many times we lost touch with our Divine Soul which is fearlessness and calm.

Start today Connect to the Divine Source. In  non religious way. I will close my eyes smile and 

1) 5 deep inhale and exhalation.

2) Normal breathing.

3) Set intention connection with Divine source for purification

4) Relax breath in and out 5 mins

Do it daily. One day, u will notice, daily people and environment issues wont eat ur emotion up and u become more "see open“ 安定。

You start to notice you’re living in the flow state more. It’s easier to make decisions that resonate powerfully within yourself. The troubles and past drama crumble from your existence and fall wake of your forward movement.

Light some Sandalwood powder mix with high mountain incense. Try. Or spray tranquility Mist ok:>


Stay tune i may conduct a healing class base on 28 years experience once this year:> I am attending a number of courses lately. Do support ur ok:>

  Allow yourself and myself and everyone to feel Happy

In Buddhism we learn to end suffering to be happy. But i think we dont have to wait for end of all of our suffering before we can feel happy again. U and me can feel happy now.  We need to change our idea of happiness to recognize the happiness that is available to us right here and right now. 

Lotus flowers need mud to grow; they cannot grow on marble. Without suffering, happiness is not possible. So , if you know how to suffer, you dont suffer as much as anymore, and out of our suffering, a lotus flower of happiness can grow.

We can use our suffering to generate happiness, understanding and love. When we embrace our suffering and look deeply into it, we can understand it better, and we can better understand the suffering of others, too. With this comes compassion and forgiveness. understanding and love are the foundation of happiness. B

By embracing our suffering, understanding it, and tending to it, love and compassion will be generated. So we see that happiness and suffering are two sides of the same coin. They inter-related. We cannot have one without the other. Once understand this u learn to use 平常心 handle 无常。 Whatever u are going thru now, cannot injured ur pure soul which is fearlessness and Joyful. U are just here in this life to expereince life. Take it this way.

regards Bryan Lao Shi

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