Tuesday, August 1, 2023

DEstiny is planned created by us

Welcome talk 14th Jan 2024

Dragon Dance and Lion dance: CSC Club

Fees: $45

Email : class@omhealth.com . Half of the class sold out. 


Lucky Food for August 2023: Sweet Potatoes

 Star Items: Dragonfly oil, Heng Heng Scrub (can buy to keep), Promocode last day 2nd August at bryanwellness is heng8 , $10 discount above $138. Thank u. This promocode I also arrange rice donation.

 According to the Light energy

As you past certain age and constantly receive email from students who experiences happiness, sadness, sickness , joy or death. U will see things in much different level from others.

Sometimes within a day, I can receive different emotion state email from students.

 Love, Light & Healing Energy! | Sending love and light, Energy healing,  Love and light

What we experience on earth sadness or happiness , any kind of experiences many times are planned directed by us before we come to earth. We are here to learn lessons and we can return to the Light and the experiences upgraded our energy.

 So what are you experiencing now? Write it downu can see the pattern and acknowledge it. Use LOVE energy to handle than hatred and resentment.

 But why are we planning sadness and unhappy incident.  Well life is like an drama , we are the director and producer. Whether u are smart or not are planned by you. U see for ur light to get brighter in soul level, we can only visit earth to experience different kind of obstacles. Rem only earth can have all kind of pattern and obstacles and love.

So I am not telling you to live life without purpose and since u planned and dont care... U should further more understand why u experience sadness and suffering, and what can you come out of it. Is an experience this we need to come to earth and experience. And when we pass on(die), we will return to the light.

life is a journey quotes and sayings 4

If u look back the things u experience good or bad. U wont be so upset now. Because we choose our path , so treat this path as a lessons to complete and yes u will once completed your journey return to the light.

Like my mom's path if i look back, she did go thru alot in life beyond netflix drama can find. Yet she face life with fearlessness and even no complaint. Her courage and strength and kindness is something that she completed her journey and left me with all these treasures. COntinue my best to help my students and share. 


Than what about religion? Well I shall not touch that, i feel the teaching from ascended master are guidance and set an example. U think carefully all religion , also got " light" things in it.

Love is the energy... - Positivity, Love and all things Good | Facebook

Coming to earth is about LOVE and work with Breathing  and Divine love。

Human coming to earth, because is the only  environment planet that experiences so many things and adversities and yet people can practice love energy. So being human is really precious chance.

能做人是个宝贵的, only on earth 我们可以实现爱的真实。

真实,关怀,慈悲,善良,无畏,无私 迎接这一生。why some people feel depress and upset? Because lack of confident and Support. They always feel alone and no support.

Why fret not, U and we all have a support from Universe, just that u need to call upon it. Some of u, your universe is Guan Yin Pu Sa. So u need to have faith aand call upon GY. Some is angels etc.

So today 5 mins daily. Do  deep breathing 9 times , breath till ur stomach and exhale all out. Than close ur eyes normal breathing 3 mins and say , I have support from Universal Love (GYPS), I am love and thank you.

Breathing is our control point for managing life situations and also a pathway to our inner self. It has the power to change our material life for the better by giving us more control over our mind/emotions; making us more equanimous.

Energy is everything. The energies of the universe: universal energy hashtags - positive energy hashtags

It is also the path towards a more spiritual and enlightened life; as we learn to master our breath, we get closer to our core identity, which is the Universal Consciousness

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