Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Class Notice

On 21st Feb 2021 I conducted my first GoodLuck Healing Talk . And a total of 100 pax attended. This talk have a total of 2 parts where healing symbols will be imparted to attendees.

Guess what we will have one more GoodLuck Healing Talk ONE for those who miss it.

So the next GoodLuck Healing Talk (similar to 21st Feb ) will be 14th March 2021.

GoodLuck Healing Talk ONE (similar to 21st Feb so dont register again if u attended)

Date 14th March 2021

Time: 10am to 1130am

Fees: $12   , Email to

Email to


Topics includes Health and Luck (combine)

Opening: Philosophy and Quotes to achieve Happiness in Life

1) CardReading for all to choose on spot and healing method for each to improve energy

2) Activating 十全十美energy for health

3) Guided Meditation by Bryan Lao Shi for Prosperity and Health

4)  Touch therapy to improve sleep and fight anxiety

5) Imperial Soup recipes for beauty luck and health

6) Healing Mudra for balancing energy

GoodLuck Healing Talk TWO (for those who attended ONE)

Date: 11th April 2021

Time: 10am to 1130am

Fees: $12

Email to

Make an effort to attend a talk to refresh ur energy and healing:>

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