Saturday, February 6, 2021

A Da Jia Hao Yun Good Luck Talk 2021 21st Feb 21

 福气满满十全十美 吉祥如意 ZOOM Class

靠 善-爱-忍--- 突破2021

Zoom Class 21st Feb 2021 正月初十 好福气

10am to 1130am

Fees: $12

Topics includes Health and Luck (combine)

Opening: Philosophy and Quotes to achieve Happiness in Life

1) Card Reading for all to choose on spot and healing method for each to improve energy

2) Activating 十全十美energy for health

3) Guided Meditation by Bryan Lao Shi for Prosperity and Health

4) Specially Pick 3 Special day in 2021 in details for good luck what to do

5)  Touch therapy to improve sleep and fight anxiety

6) Imperial Soup recipes for beauty luck and health

7) A special Day to celebrate that help u to be全年旺发

8) 200 pax 一起旺 shouting together in ZOOM.

9) How to put Lucky Bamboo in 2021 for good luck

10) Last day of CNY what to do so u have a good year ahead.  (Ending have apart on religious mantra chanting )

Some of talk fees to my food donation to kids:>

May be an image of 1 person, standing and indoor



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