Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Acceptance Let go

 I think this two months , many will experience the transition either in health, work or emotions.

Especially the 11 11 planetary alignment , sometimes somethings just amplify.

Remember all these will pass.

 As I got older, I began to understand why desiring and wanting things to happen in the way u want and also —something that was, for the most part, out of my control—was causing me more pain than accepting that.


Pain becomes worst when we dont learn acceptance and persistant in fighting which result in consistent unhappiness.

In Singapore we are really moving too fast. We all want to  “become” something. 

We’re raised with the belief that we need to achieve something and become something new. We need to make something of ourselves. We’re supposed to earn more money than our parents did. We’re supposed or our children to achieve a higher degree in school

We’re supposed to take on a certain occupation that other people perceive as a sign of success. We’re supposed to own a certain kind of house, drive a certain kind of car, wear certain kinds of clothes, and do certain kinds of things for fun.

All this expectation may result in a very unhappy life.

To have a peaceful life. Personally I feel we need to learn the word ACCEPTANCE> Sometimes some things u just have no control over it. Example, health issues, lost of someone u love, ETC.

When I design my black tourmaline. Is an energy of heaven earth and also now it has a new meaning of activating acceptance in our systems

Life  is Beautiful ( this statement is difficult to believe when we are going thru something in life)

I feel that life is beautiful if one day we can accept things that has gone wrong. One thing u and me may face , is lost of someone we love or ur kid or love one has sickness and u have no control over it. Instead of blame or sad, we accept . Instead of when meeting alot issues we shout with despair like " NOT AGAIN" We accept it and do whatever good deeds and cultivation we can. Never give up

When things happen to me when young or even now. I wont allow it to stress me up too much. Being stress is normal. But I will use all remedies to handle it and than let go.

 So  I will Work with breathing exercise and use essential oil like

1) Rosemary

2)AuraGold Oil

3) Egypt Geranium with PAF Lime

Buy Wholesale Geranium Essential Oil 100% Pure

This few oil actiavates the acceptance energy in us.

 1. Find solutions instead of complaining.

Don’t waste your energy complaining. Use it more wisely.

2 Practice Letting Go.

Now we cant complete let go or forget things that has done us harm, or someone we love left us. When people console u by saying , time will heal and let go. Is sometimes kind of bullshit. U cant forget or let go of ur love one when they pass on. But instead of being in sadness, we learn to let go by remembering all their goodness and continue to do good.  If about serious health problems we have, we let go by feeding our body with good quality food and also doing prayers in a way we pray for others who have the same health issues and may ur prayers bring hope to all.

 3. See things with beauty

When you’re focused on everything that’s lacking, it’s hard to fully notice, appreciate, and enjoy what’s there. Look around you;

Have a cup of ur favorite drink. look at roses . Is not too bad.   I find Linden honey with rose tea is a best tea to help us learn about acceptance.


Wash toilet day and clean house date will be out soon.


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