Friday, December 30, 2016

Little notes:> Dates u can put the items

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Black tourmaline bracelet energy very good.
Also those who need black tourmaline bracelet, is time i make again for u:> Is $338 email, name, DOB to

In 2017 Black tourmaline bracelet works wonder:>  U see, bracelet many receive feel good energy but after a year dont feel much.

reason: When u receive the energy tune ur body so u can feel great. After that it become ur personal items and u need to work with it:. BY

i) Put on tummy do breathing exercise once a month 
ii) Rub purification oil or 5 element oil or awaken oil on it a drop once a blue moon
iii) Hold and rub with both palm do some affirmations

Above notes is for 10 years old customer , i notice , u all getting lazy everything also dont do. So start working with ur black tourmaline bracelet.


U see i give u a hammer to hammer nails. But if u kept the hammer and no use strength to hammer the nail, how to nail things. Is like give u power and u dont use it.

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Personal Items Must have for newbies suggestion

1) Flower coin , BBC coin, NEW (百无禁忌coin)
2) 5 D coin if affected by Tai Sui
3) 6D coin hulu behind main door, or for bedroom or common area when u spend alot of time at South and Northwest of house
(check ur office table is it located at S, SW , W and NW sector. , and see how u feel lately )
4) Liu li elephant, Mystic Knot, Wealthbowl,  can put at  E and N
5) Money Bag at NE

U can invite a new heng ball to ur family during 1st to 6 Feb 2017 to harness goodness.

Dates to put items if u wan to follow. But for me, i put any date from now till FEB 2017 in morning and have SUN before 3pm:>

Flying star energy almost arrived. U can put ur items now or anydate before CNY in the morning that not raining before 3pm.

Dates: 2nd Jan  (no goat)
7th Jan (no rat)
10th Jan (no rabbit)
11th Jan (no dragon)
12th jan (no snake)
13th Jan (no horse)
14th Jan (no goat)
16th Jan (no rooseter)
18th Jan (no pig)
19th Jan (no rat)
22nd Jan (no rabbit)
23rd Jan 9no dragon)
24th Jan (no snake)
25th Jan (no horse)
26th Jan (no goat)
(This scrub u can order after 10th Jan when stock not enough)
27th Jan (scrub with Magneto scrub, Bath everyone and final rinse with 5 element oil)

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