Omhealth was like in a reality show yesterday; I told u a friend who since born can see things and was quite disturbance for him( being an Ang mo staying in Asian countries ) he says normally seventh month he will return to European countries;
So yesterday I decided to give him some advises because everymihjt the others try to talk and disturb him from sleep;)
So I met up and pass him some holy water , incense and teach him chant simple
Om ah hung!
But again I am curious to find out in seventh month are there really a lot; so I brought him to a temple which was doing prayers for ancestor;
Master met him and brought show him a picture of a very kind heart temple auntybwhich pass away 100 days ago;
So when my friend went to the prayer area master ask can he see; but can't; don't master ask him call the name;
Immediately the pass away Aunty appear with peaceful smile and he tears;
My friend tears not because of fear but compassionate energy of a lot prayer done and Kwan yin energy felt; the pass away Aunty is in peace;
Lesson learnt!
This month do pray for the ancestor and the pass away love one; and when u chant mantra and than dedicate to them and call their name; they will receive;
This applies to many oversea one where ur ancestor tablet may be other countries but when u do proper chanting and dedicate to them even u are far away they receive !
Is a month to do good deeds, chant mantra and gain merits;
Anyway also protect urself at all time; the others have ok and not ok de;
But u are lucky, Singapore has a lot of compassionate temple that do prayers and dedicate to them so they don't disturb people;
Master is so compassionate to set up prayers and do a lot of proper procedure;
Anyway do read this and keep quiet , don't go around discuss ok;)
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