Thursday, August 6, 2015


2 new item for 2016: sneak preview! And strictly from omhealth; any outside is not ours de! Only launch 2016; but u can take a look now

All will be ready for order in November: And specially activated made. If can have a piece of the special actiavte wood ruyi, it activate all goodness. And u can use thumb rub daily to improve body energy.

Some say if i say now, outside will start copy. but again those who know me. We only direct sales here and order on special date; Dont order now as is not launch.

Designed Activated by OMHEALTH: Mention now, because if out there copy is not ours.

This 6D hulu is designed activated by me. And specially tied. It include Liuli Enhance power.

Cost price increase alot, Mama Say cannot increase price. And I say ok:. All is effort to tie.

Item 2 was shown in last year fengshui talk. One year to activate and at Pu Tuo Shan I mention to activate the energy. Peach wood activated.

i) 6D Hulu $48 remains
ii) Peach wood tian lu: $68 (is a must forever and good energy , in 2015 temple first day, it was mentioned and there was a piece touched by 100 people and also bring to Mountain, as it is a base to activate all.)

Powerful peach Wood Ruyi TianLu

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