Thursday, August 13, 2015


Use the oil for foot or wrist or go back home late a dab tissue inhale raise the auric fields;

Being in this line, i have heard seen so much. I have two friends that can see "the others" And they very tired ahahha. One will travel overseas first 3 days because they cant take it.

Well they exist, but some of "the others" are ok one but there are some more not ok.

Thats why at all times, chant more mantra. Oil like 5 element oil and cypress, purification and spray raise ur frequency level. Or u go out late, u can dab some on wrist. Or when reach home, mix some water and shower.

Morning fresh oil has special ingredients which was said that  ward off spirits and ghosts. 

Entering a house or place can make you feel light and uplifted, or leave you feeling depleted and drained. Either way, you are responding to the energy of that environment.  But omhealth  essential oils can help you clear that energy out and raise your vibrational frequency. 

Some interesting extra news
Cypress will purify surrounding energies while uplifting vibration levels at the same time. You will feel grounded and secure as a result. 
Frankincense is known for purification as well as exorcism. Frankincense is reported to remove negative influences in the body, aura, psychic and environment. Frankincense works well diffused in a room.

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