After tomorrow and those order Temple Heng ball will be courier.
1) Temple Heng Ball left 3 le, u can email order.
2) Tian Lu and Tian Lu Hulu power can order for this batch also.
This month What to drink?
Red dates soup when luck is so so. Drink and feel it. This month need red , Good start with red dates and towel pink or purple is good. 'Beware of January (7,12, 19 and 24 and 31 Jan) this few days becareful of sending email and personal safety. Chant mantra will good.
Heng ball can put maindoor this month if u have extra.
Use Bionic rose mask. Yes I am marketing my mask . Because is really good and have meaning. Good for skin, good for luck.
U wan super luck. Use a new shower bath towel pink or deep purple.
I bought my https://dtowel.wordpress.com/products-2/bath-towels/bath-towel-27-by-54/
I buy the 29.9. So far good quality. U can buy outside urself. I no spokesman.
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