After even most tough approval. We have decided to change to the temple at Orchard . The famous temple.
Because I was choosing a temple can pray also to your Guardian PuSa and this temple has all 12.
31 Devonshire road ; 31 Devonshire Road Singapore 239851 walk from somerset MRT so super near.
Report same 9am pray together.
same email to for previous students u have email no need email again le.
Most people would not have believed that there is actually a beautiful Teochew-styled Chinese temple around Orchard Road. Nestled amongst shophouses and backed by a condominium, Tong Sian Tng is one of the very few remaining private temples and abode for lay practitioners of of Buddhism. Super good fengshui to visit on 8th Feb 2015.
Appreciate it, Lao Shi!
Thank you Lao Shi.
All The Best for 2015!
It's just next to Singtel comcentre
I used to visit this temple.
Every cny period Btn lunar lst to abt 15th they will invite a monk from overseas to pray for devotees. I used to bring my fengshui items for the monk to bless. The prayer last 3 to 5mins. Felt very blessed.
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