Last week, a lady paid someone to go house do cleansing and pay $700 and end up say got this and got that further cleanse need $1200.
So she look for me, and I teach her this method. Pass down by my Senior healer master in Sydney. And she feel good now.
Now a star will arrive to South of the House in 4th Feb 2015 .
退步星; If u visit my website forecast. Number 7th Star is a star that cause a luck to go down.
That is why sometimes u see people sudden drop of luck for that year.
But back to basic.... If a person accumulate good merits, the effect of this star is minimum.
This star brings people luck decline and luck lost.
[I dont want to waste my time on Flying Star in 2015 Talk, as I have more important things to share]
This star related to burglary, gossip, back stab, And it will be strongest in Feb 2015, May 2015, November 2015.
Office Table if kana this sector, put tranquility Healing Spray. House can use 3M hook put 5D coin.
Any of my crystal is good for the table.
If this star Main Door
Door knob behind ; 6 D hulu
Bedroom: 5D coin door knob
Office Table: Tranquility Healing Spray.
Personally how to work with this star:
Infact , when we look at flying star, we dont really bother because u and me so busy, where got time to go and each star take care right. That's why I say maindoor knob put 6d-hulu.
But if one day, u found alot problems, quickly check South 2015 of ur house, what is happening. Are there alot clutters there, or is there a lamp? (no lamp or candle)..... If there is remove it and will be fine And spray Tranquility Healing Spray.
How to Remove Luck Going Down of the House using ur bedroom?
This is good to cleanse the bedroom for preventing 2014 negative Qi from carrying over to 2015 Goat Year.
Normally u can do also, do until u feel good. Normally 1 time can feel better.
Especially emotion and mood very bad right. U do , second day feel good.
Ten Spice Oil is used for Re new energy and also bring wealth.
U saw I put a stone beside and is a very powerful cleansing stone! Optional I will write

Items you need
1) A packet of Sea Salt
2) Ten Spice Oil.
After do, that week put some red color flowers in living room.

Items you need
1) A packet of Sea Salt
2) Ten Spice Oil.
After do, that week put some red color flowers in living room.
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