Tuesday, November 4, 2014

News ah

Good morning; face the world handle all situations with compassion and wisdom.... Any negativity will be dissolved very quickly; human will face up and down but with qualities of loving kindness you will be fine; so are  are you feeling now? Better? Yes ! Say yes!

When I design the gold sheen obsidian, the goldsheen obsidian represent the wisdom of light and handling the negative energy of us and environment!

Thus with the medicine dZi transform in to medicine and overcome our unhappiness with love;

Life is really short we know that but yet we fall into the trap of unhappiness; me too and u too we must remind ourselves to be happy!

Dear all welcome 2015 talk is ready for registration!

Six dynasty coin hulu behind door knob and five d coin is in the making le!

Remember omhealth only have two items need change yearly which is famous six d coin hulu and five d coin for tai Sui affected people!

So normally a house need at least one six d coin hulu to change yearly!

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