Sunday, October 5, 2014

Spirits and this and that

Some people always think left and right house has spirit etc or disturbing etc and invite this master that master drive alway things but yet nothing improve

My master once say is self create spirit and no faith in personal religion;
Buddha already teach many many ways , people like complication ; I tell them chant cundi mantra can overcome spirit disturbance but they listen with doubt and wan invite those masters to home and do many things; do already no effect end up chant mantra

See Buddha himself already teach us as in text about cundi mantra; I tell u all chant yet some wan short cut, pay money and do funny things; 

Dear all 规规矩矩念佛; 佛法无边;
Anyway many email me floor plan and a lot issues , I can't manage answer but if u have time u will know many are answered at and this blog; 

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