Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Charity For Fame for Luck or For Love: Must review daily.

This few days been running to few temple to arrange prayers and lamp offerings; I want to dedicate the metros to all of you and my parents;

Sometimes when I do things is not for fame or reputation; I do it from my heart; 
This temple activities has been around from omhealth for many years le;

U see when we do chairty we do from heart and when we help people we do from heart and when we send love we do from heart;

If we do chairty main purpose is to take pic show people or for hidden motives than is useless le; 

But if u put pic and motivates others than is different story;

If u force open a flower the flower looks ugly and fake
If u let the flower open naturally from heart than is beautiful;

Dear all omhealth verygoodluck is very thankful to work with groups of u that make many events happened ; and also I must say the right mindfulness and Chinese tradition preserve effort does make different in many;

Tomorrow heaven door open day; do remember to buy some food or tonic for ur parents is very good ok!!!

I will buy some honey or the 108 enzyme but again is me la; u all can buy chicken essence etc; do it from the heart; if parents not around le u can buy for ur family elderly;

If u have kids, train them tomorrow to be filial! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pearl Low said:-

Hi Bryan Lao Shi,

Appreciate all your kind and unconditional assistance for the temple preparations tomorrow. In addition, a big thank you to all your helpful volunteers who have unselfishly contributed their time & efforts in aiding all of us in the preparations for tomorrow & also in all other areas of work.

Also, very very thankful for all your advice to all of us on what to do for tomorrow & also your advice in other matters.

Cheers & Rejoice!!!