What to do between 6th to 14th March (remember u buy any day)?
Between : 7th to 14th March: Go Buy 2 pomegranate. Bring home.
Any day any time from 7th to 14th u can put a pair in kitchen. And must be in kitchen for 3 days before u eat ok. After 3rd day u can put fridge or eat. Example 7th put, 9th u evening u can put fridge. 10th u eat. whole family share.
Bryan's Promegranate energy: It represents the human heart, denotes life and fertility; their medicinal properties represent health; and their abundant, round seeds represent prosperity—all things everyone hopes for in any fresh start. It also represent fresh start in house energy. Spray protection spray this 3 days is good if u have , everywhere in your house including toilet please.
For Health: ( Extra pair in bedroom)
Extra Tips: If health no good for the year: Put a pair in bedroom beside table and put ur BBC coin besides and say a wish on health. Leave it there for 3 days. After that eat to your good health. No need eat all at once.
On 22nd March: Spray Tranquillity spray above your head down. And that day eat vegetarian for a day. Follow by doing charity that day. U can help Cindy do fund donation for Elderly home and puja. Or urself do charity ok. Cindy one, u all have the same email and transfer for that process. This one students than do ba, new comers u donate urself.
6th July 2014 MUST COME U ALL
Music Mantra Meditation and Mudra Class
U can pray Tiger God from 6th March till Sunday.
Again. I will be at lor 27 Kwan Yin Temple from 9am to 10am to help out. U all register is because I help u all submit name to temple for prayers. When u arrive to pray, u still need to queue up to buy joss paper and pray.
诚心诚意 (tomorrow anyone who lost temper because someone take ur joss paper burn or throw ur beans, u will get it from.. a very fierce traditional teacher.... his name is Uncle Gan).
I am not at temple to give lesson hor, so come don't mistaken. I am there tomorrow to help out. So u can go from 9am to 7pm close.
Those can make it 9am , I will be there.
Bryan Will be away to overseas temple submit group namelist for blessings for all heng items owners.
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