Well the reason is whatever we do, we do in middle way. Going to temple is an act of respect and renew our faith.
For me able to organise and go in big group once a year is very rare and precious luck karma. The temple visit since Dragon Year, impressed many many BIG TEMPLES in Singapore. Congrats. Because we do temple visit touch and go. No attachment.
Rememeber every 1-2 years I change to new temple one. Is actually my way of sharing of being not attachment.
After that u can go yourself, in a non attachment way. I always stress that temple is build by Human beings and every temple also have their patterns. So our purpose is pray pray and than go home practice kindness.
2014: Important Message from ELDERLY MASTER to BRYAN to YOU. If u catch it u sail seamlessly from 2014.... If u don't get it, pray more.
Many ask me how to do Kind act ? Well, first be kind to yourself. Smile at yourself in front of mirror for 49 days from today. This open up your ren yuan luck. If u yourself also cant smile to yourself, how your ren yuan be good. This is taught by a master who was in his late 80s. ( Tell you because of all this temple visit and also pray class, many many I must say many master teach me things ... I collected properly for you all le, will always share slowly de.)
Smile to yourself 49 days mirror Procedure.
A) Choose a day you want to start this . Once started cannot stop. Everyday must smile to yourself in mirror one time. One day forget, u need to repeat for 49 days.
B) After smile already, spray tranquillity spray above your head to capture the mist of peace.
C) Say Gui ren Gui ren Gu ren, 一切吉祥。
Whatever issue you face this 49 days, smile from your heart.
Dear all, time for you to do homework that I want you to do. I don't want to have a group of students who just blindly follow my advice. I want you to practice.
Since Day ONE: Why I say go temple must smile even long queue. The queue is a test. This Thursday Pray Tiger have 120 people, if u there lost temper, u prepare to be say by me. I can be very friendly and joke with you but also u all must have boundary to respect when come to prayers ok.
Data: from Power Yogi Master
The Power of a Smile
Conserve the vital energy, follow a balanced diet, and always smile and be happy. A person who finds joy within himself discovers that his body is charged with electric current, life energy, not from food but from God. If you feel that you can’t smile, stand before a mirror and with your fingers pull your mouth into a smile. It is that important!
The healing methods I have touched on briefly in connection with food and the cleansing of the body by herbs or fasting are limited in their effectiveness; but when one is joyful within, he invites the help of the inexhaustible power of God.
I mean a sincere joyfulness, not that which you feign outwardly but do not feel within. When your joy is sincere you are a smile-millionaire.
A genuine smile distributes the cosmic current, prana, to every body cell. The happy man is less subject to disease, for happiness actually attracts into the body a greater supply of the universal life energy.
There are many things to talk about on this subject of healing. The main idea is that we should depend more on mind power, which is illimitable. The rules for guarding against disease should be: self-control, exercise, proper eating, drinking plenty of fruit juices, occasional fasting, and smiling all the time from within.
Those smiles come from yourself alone. You will find then the eternal power of God to bring healing to u
Smile and Meditation Move your DHEA, Seratonin, HGH level:
Now. In July there is a class call Music Mantra Mediation Mudra class. Is a very very important one lesson class which I conduct only once every 2 years. It will also teach you finger power points for your halth and luck which is schooled in the traditional knowledge of this Eastern art of healing. You can intensify this with affirmations, visualisations, herbs , nutrition and music.
M4 class. By opening your heart and mind, meditation provides lasting feelings of peace and serenity while creating tremendously positive changes in your life. Positive thinking, and its array of life-transforming benefits, can be easily learned and integrated into your life starting right now!
All attendees will receive a rainbow stone, activated for 108 days and is precious.
Date: 6th July 2014:
Time: 930am be seated complete at 12plus
Fees: $50
NB: Poison fire Horse year is very very poison. Look at the amount of tradgy this few weeks. Is quite bad in news in many parts of world. So please wear your CUndi Pendant and BBC coin. When travel plase pray to Guan Di before travel and wear your Black Tourmaline bracelet or any crystal bracelet which I have activated ok
Heng Mala Launch ($68) if order less than $80 courier fee of $5

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