Saturday, February 8, 2014

Prayers to Ti Gong

An article to share:

Many of clients are from Malaysia too. And when they ask me, at home they rent a room. How to pray to Ti Gong.

Photo: 诚心的拜天公;new house a lot of things not prepared so today I use my most sincere heart to offer to Tigong; and may the incense manifest to millions of auspicious clouds and offerings manifest to millions of auspicious fruits ;) thank youWell : With your sincere heart. And both palm put together, say your prayers.
And smile to the Sky. A sincere prayers is equivalent to a mountain of offerings.

Of course when we can we do more offerings . For example, I am so busy with events and ur temple visit and moving house. I don't have time to set up prayer desk etc.

But I just put a lamp and a incense. And maneifest all kind of offerings to Ti Gong.

Prayers can be simple, can be complicated. But again, is not an excuse being lazy too.

So today let us put our palm together and give thanks to Ti Gong.

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