Thursday, February 27, 2014

Music Mantra Meditation Mudra Class : Write out to be continued......

Photo: Music mantra meditation mudra class

All about

1) Health and its base.
2) Release Stress and Tension
3) Techniques to cultivate your heart and health
4) Chronic Worrier and sleep problems
5) Mind cant rest.

1) U will learn sound therapy too and each of you I will attune personally ur grounding energy.
2) All will receive a ray of hope activated stone.
3) Breathing methods and how it affects health.
4) Simple Meditation Techniques
5) Guided Meditation and body tuning by Bryan Lao Shi.

Sound:  offers you a therapeutic healing journey with Bryan's tuning of sound, known for its ability to soothe, balance, and rejuvenate. The body, in its natural healing intelligence, is able to assimilate Ohm with all its beneficial overtones, and utilize these properties on a vibratory level. You will find yourself transported as your vibrational being harmonizes with the life-affirming frequencies of the Earth.

Bryan Lao Shi will devise  a simple and effective methods using mudra and other sound healing tools on the body, including acu-points, trigger and reflex points, bone, muscle, and tendons to help tonify Qi, move stagnant energy and relieve pain

This is a special class only conduct once every 2 years.

Mudra : Next trend will be finger patterns healing but what is the right way to do it? Come and learn a skill ba in a lesson

See previous post for registration.

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