Friday, February 7, 2014

Life: ANd Karma and You: Bank Account articles

I have this series of articles , u can check on right side this blog under the label call bank account. SO please read there.
This articles have helped many over the years. A lot of times, u know the answers to many problems. But u just need someone to remind you.

A) Branded and non branded advises

Is almost 20 years ago when I was very very young. Aunt was having some problems with family issues as my cousin has some illnesses which troubled her for a few months. Aunt's friend was a good Iching calculation for health and TCM doctor (u cant find this now). So Aunt's friend give her advices on what to eat and also acupressure to do. (U know human are like that, we see and listen things we want and sometimes too simple answers or remedies found too easy we disbelieve or we choose to go for branded things.) So as usual , when a person is desperate for answer my aunt half believe aunt's friend and decided to go for a fengshui master which was very famous back in 1980s and have advertisement in Rediffusion.  Guess what at that time need to spend $200 dollars on prayers and etc....

So of course aunt do it. But no results..

Lately I have been reflecting on the above incident that I can relate to many of my students. Some students with me for 10 years, life was ok, but when tested by illnesses and problems, start to panic . And when I give simple remedies they take for granted and opt for FSM end up spend few thousands dollars and come back to me.

I am not angry or disappointed. I know this is a world of brand. If I have a temple with GOLDEN BUDDHA, GOLDEN floor, JADE silk décor. Without even demo, people will believe me le.

For those who follow me for years, know that I have my big client from many sector in Singapore. I just don't want to spell out. What for?  Tree big kana wind to break my branches.

Each year I am getting older le. I cant be like last time to preach everytime to new comers. Not easy.  Forever there are new people. Forever there are people who don't appreciate things.... The sufferings of human beings can be as many sands as the Ganges river.

Class, newbies. Face your life with courage. The day u come to this world from ur mom's womb, first thing is u cry and cry because u know already is not easy to be in human realms. But again if u live your life by doing good, facing all issues with love , facing all negative people with love, forgiveness... u leave this world with no regrets. Again, I type this way seems easy. But I am learning too.

Media is a weird thing. U have FSM gone through court case, gone through mistress case, gone thru many issues but people forget easily because they have big shops.

People respect big TEMPLE, but people look down on small temple... same same one human. That is why in 2013, I choose to go to some temple under renovation with History and bring crowd there and help out. Indeed we  are blessed.

Striking lottery or toto is not my forte. But it happen. So for new comers bear in mind I don't promote gambling, just that all these happen is like sharing happiness and many of my student buy lottery only on events for fun and do donations and not for a living ok. Many strike $20 or no strike one but feel joyful is the same. Money cannot buy happiness. some get it and some just don't get it. SO I forget it.

Is so funny during my time, I talk to my teacher, there are respect and patience. And if u can call me Bryan teacher, why some press me for answer in sms or email. I can show my pattern if I want to u know. But no la.... we are all learning from each other. From u , I learn compassion, I think I am improving ahahha.

Today what I want to share is: Look answers for your problems from positive side and methods. Stop being complicated.
We tends to look for answers from negative side. Because we are more prone to negative.

Example, u work for ur boss 10 years, u help him many things, but make one mistake, he only remember the mistakes and forget what u have contributed. IS like that.

Example this blog have serve many freely for many years, just because I didn't reply one email, the client old one, will complaint. Again, is an example la. Now don't happen anymore. You can try and show me some pattern, what u get is my forgiveness and slap u when I see u.

Omhealth client has range from Directors, to CEOS to housewives, workers, office working class.  I treat everyone the same.  If u want me to impress you, I can. but what for?

B) Relationship issues and ren yuan

Some people are born with good looks but no ren yuan, some people are born with not so good look but good ren yuan. Again we opt for being good look right. Because is easier to do things in time of this world. Everything is about beautiful things. Good look will generally come if we do good. As if u don't know. Just that sometimes u so overwhelm with ur issues and things, no time to do good. Do good can be just being considerate. When take mrt or bus, chant mantra for people dedicate to people u see.

But some people their aura is filled with an energy of veil that cover the ren yuan star. So is important to remove this veil of blockages by

I) Drinking rose bud tea 3 times a week.
2) Offer flowers to Buddha once a month
3) Look in mirror and smile to yourself once a week before 10am. before that shower with the organic shower gel.
4) Optional (carry a infant once a year) but how to find ah ahahhaa
5) Ren yuan improve when your relationship with Dad is good. Money luck improve if your relationship with Mom is good.

I see some client pay $3000 a Fengshui Master to light a ren yuan lamp.... Go ahead ba.

Difficult and unreasonable people:

Is 2014 poison fire, people  get fire up easily . Going for a swim or shower with milk once a month is good. (Full cream milk half cup mix with a pail of water and put 5 drops healing trees oil) and rinse body.
This clear away negative aura. After that spray Tranquility healing spray over ur head .

In 2014 food to clear unresasonable people is Yam Cake. U must put spring green onions on it. NO need everyday la.

Coconut water is important to drink once a week. Go NTUC buy one and put in fridge. Share with friends. As drink too cold is cooling.

Difficult to close deals

As earth star is weak, many will have stomach problems and means wealth also affected. Massage your stomach with Bryan relax blend 3 drops in 3 drops rice oil is good. Also carry your BBC coin around when talking deals.

If selling properties, chant Da Bo Gong Mantra 108 times. But chant with love and dedicate to the building u are going to sell.

Last year few property agent I help sell a lot. Some automatic give me angbao lor... the others why ah, forget ah... Kidding la ahahhaa.  Just do ur donations can le ok.

6D coin Hulu and 5D coin

6 D coin hulu activated by me is very powerful. So powerful until I so sian to describe. Because is good one. I do it in a way by changing one yearly behind your door knob it helps to create aura of protections. Also u don't have do much to flying star. Again some find it too simple go and see a FSM buy and buy and buy put 9 items inn house for $3000 and change every year lor.

5D coin is taisui cure and also good luck activator. Also block door to door, and toilet face room. Even u don't know put where, a yearly 5 d coin in living room activate all good luck star.

remember all students, ur 5D and 6D have blessings one also all who buy hor, get light candle for u all one. Just that I do a lot and don't want to say. No time.

Common sense:

Bryan lao shi is real one. He is the only one invited by the oldest reputable temple in Singapore to organise event and also this temple are supported by many BANKs and Committee. This credential is good enough le. ( need to spell out la, u want me to impress I can anyhow pick one to impress u, but it become fake right)....

I have so many resources give u answer here .... but many again choose to have complicated answers.... . Is ur karma la, whether u get it anot. So if u get it,rejoice. If u don't get it, forget it, I rejoice u.

SICKNESS non stop 2014:

bhaiṣajyaguru mantra in Tibetan pronounciation and Uchen script
Carry BBC coin.

Without fail, every morning no matter how pain the back or leg is. Do deep breathing exercise 9 times. Exhale out all pain. Than go for warm shower. Have a cup of warm water. Than apply 3 oil one drop each direct to upper back.

Never give up.
Chant 21 OM... daily.

Keep doing, keep doing being mindful. One day u will wake up and thank me.

Before sleep apply frankincense on stomach and chest. Don't care it works... because I believe it works as use by many different cultures.

Drink porridge water daily if can. U be shocked of the results.

Charity work:

Intention of doing charity work is about learning life, understanding life. If u solely think about luck. I will know one.
I have total of 8 masters. Two of them teach me look face aura and also read palm. Sometimes I see faces I know many things. But again I shut up now.  Sometimes I feel like scolding people like what my master did. But I don't wan le. End up lost customers.

He passed away early my this master taking in too many things and reveal too much.

Now what I can do is use my energy to write blog. Whether u can find answer inside is Yuan Feng. U sms or whatsapp me useless one, I don't give advice there.


This pot of red rose. Actually my dad says want to throw away few months ago as it dried up. I didn't and  every day water the dried plant with love. Heaven send energy of SUN and Air  and this flower blooms. In life, nothing is definite. Sometimes things u see is the end or Jia Lat but behind the Jialat are fruits of success. If that time I give up this rose.... the flowers will never have chance to bloom le.

Be prepare to welcome problems this year as you are equip with my remedies. U keep my remedies in your brain for what.  From today anyone who email me say ur luck is bad . U get it from me. Because if u can email means u can use computer, means ur luck is better than many no rice eat country. I scold u.

CPF Project

For 10 years I give free talk at CPF board because as a kind of thank you for taking care of me when I was new they believe in me and hire me few times for talks.
Organisers change yearly. So this year, I find some not so good hipccups, decided to let go this project. Well is call " Can Put Down" than people will appreciate. Life is like that. Nothing is forever one. One door close, 5 doors open ahaha.... CPF board this year I have a good rest, and they hire a FSM to give talk. But again I think my students will be smart and keep things simple ok:>
With love to my CPF board students :>

NB: Oh those who have black tourmaline bracelet this was designed since 1999 and now latest version le. U can order anytime u want. By email to .

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