When we were young, we have more happiness and less sadness. Even we have unhappiness during childhood, that time, sadness or unhappiness is not so long lasting.
But why when we get older, most of us has more unhappiness than happiness and the unhappiness seems to last longer.....
Well because when we are kid, we are simpler . Mind not so complicated.
As we get older, if we dont practising mindfulness we will be more prone to unhappiness and it can last forever if we don't make effort to break it.
Mindfulness: Just have a pen and book, write how u feel daily. Than , write a conclusion every Sunday, how to improve on your situations.
Happiness/ Beautiful Day: A beautiful day is all in the mind. A day can be beautiful day or bad day, depending on how you look at it or how you want to look at it. Many unpleasant things can happen in a day but it can still be a beautiful day.
Because we can see that the happenings are all due to causes and conditions and they are impermanent. If we realise, accept and understand this, we will be able to enjoy the day, regardless of whether it is a bad disaster, a day with many unpleasant happenings or a really bad day.
This is because our mind is at peace and at ease. Just think, our ancestor live in war time, anytime kana bomb or call by the Japanese...... And now we can read blog facebook, all these are small things.
When mind is stable we are not disturbed or affected badly. Things can be bad but we aware nature of things. And we feel better.
U all know what I say de, but u all need to be reminded.
I know some of u may be sufferings now on ur issues but just remember all these will pass.
From now just remind ourselves all external or internal problems are for us to train ourselves on the path towards happiness. We don't know when true happiness will come... we do what we need to as a good person. Curse and swear and niam swayness bring u no where... u need to do something. .. I always believe, if u very very believe and very very hardworking, one day Heaven will see and help us.
Life very short de and all karma we had, we must handle de. No matter how u pray, we need to handle our own karma. But we pray for strength and also accumulate merits and have more cushion so when we fall , we don't fall so badly. Again if we have good karma past life, and this life we pray and do good, later part of life will be very good de.
If in this life, if u don't make effort to accumulate merits, change ur character than u remains same same ba. I cant help.
This blog, provides u all equipment and data for improvements. Some information are so difficult to acquire from masters and is my many years of experience I share here.
I can wake up 5am type... I can write a lot here, (I have my own work one).... But the most hurt part is when I tell people who have problems to read blog... but they simply say, no time read or don't read, and just wan to get a good luck item....
I summarise essence of many teachings here I find that, have fate can find answers ba....
Again I call it karma and I think this blog is a place u can find answers just that you need to look for it. For those who treasure is a treasure, for those who just wan shortcut I am sorry.

We need to bring our happiness, unhappiness , everything we encounter onto our path towards liberation and true happiness.
Try to remember people who love and care for us, and if u can, all negative things will dissolve.
But if u really no people love u and care for you. There is this blog, there is a Kwan Yin Ma who is always there for us. Have faith.
We all are:
We are a tiny being, walking in this glacial blue land, coming to rest at the feet of Guan Yin. Such a peaceful, rejuvenating image.
May you find comfort from Guan Yin.
Message from Guan Yin
In the depth of sorrow, I am with you.
Through the pain of regret, I am there.
When all seems lost, and confusion has enfolded you
Reach out to find my hand.
I am the silence following your cry.
I am the faith inside your hopelessness.
I am compassion
Dissolving shame, anguish, and fear.
The eye of judgment belongs solely to you
For my eyes see only grace.
I give you tenderness
To give to yourself.
I give you comfort
To give to yourself.
I give you acceptance
To give to yourself.
In every moment of every day
I am here.
I am always here.
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