Saturday, January 11, 2014

Flower Lao Shi Healing Journey History.

I am really blessed with many wonderful and often extraordinary teachers back in 80s, 90s and 2000s.
And also amazing customers over the years since working with flowers and herbs.
In 2000s  , few weeks working with aromatherapy and lavender organic water. I urge to work with flower spray like my Protection spray and Tranquility Spray.

I hope there is a great value (I WISH AND HOPE) in reading what I write today. I have many life purpose. One is to promote natural healing in more dimensional directions. See things further and with wisdom.
For 15 years le, I hope I have been able to convey here that the coming of natural flower healing energy in dealing with many illnesses and work with u all ok:>

Above is the flower I pluck from my garden when I was in Australia, I can feel the healing fairy energy heal my stresses when in Uni. It was so amazing this flower remind me to get in touch with life and be nice.

My Healing Bottles... To be continued....

[ Protection Space Clearing Spray: Useful in time of major changes, protection. There are times when we need to protect ourselves and send love to surrounding and protect us in multi level. This is a good flower xtract.] .

 [ Tranquillity Healing Spray work with those who feel unloved, boundless peace and clear the Mind and settling with a smile. It brings about deeper processing of old memories which are gathering dust and interfering with the efficient of our daily life, it brings calmness and clear those of emotionally blocked. And spray in office enhance communications skills and harmony]

Each night before u sleep a spray above ur head with eyes close helps u feel love and safe.

Aeonian (no dragonfly la ahhaha) Healing Essential Oil: Align ourselves with beauty and love. A drop on wrist instantly brighten ur aura. Let go of old defensive emotional patterns. Reassure love in all levels. Put smile back and activate the love energy around us. A beautiful ray of flowers gently and clearly address all heart issues with compassion and bring joy and optimism. It will wake up your idea by allowing u meet or learn lessons from books or friends or teachers. By turning a book to any page u will find answer to ur questions.
A drop at wrist with has all the vital meridians energy clear frustration.

I call dragonfly oil not because got animal extract in it, is pure plant and herbs: It means the good energy of dragonflies.

Queen of Healing Ball: An geometric Chinese of 8Hex to bring protection energy to surrounding and amplify love. Is good to put in places with Heng Ball too. It works in a mother energy of taking care of good luck items. It has the I believe energy which also respect love and light energy. Allow us to understand the love of Mother Nature. Is call Queen of Heng Ball.
Bring a sense of motherly love and also clear mental emotional energy for family. Clear tension of a family.  Look at the ball when in stress u can feel the love that shine into ur DNA .

Heng Ball: Amazing ball that shine its energy and touches the heart of many from all religion clients to all races. It basically covers many parts of Singapore now and to KL, JB, Australia.
It shield the area u put with light. It can put at dark places at your house which helps to regulate the energy there.  It Stable the geometric energy of a place, enable us to face life with HOPE. Is love beyond love, care beyond care, Light with positive flow of enjoyment, fun and dace of life.
No wonder everyone wants a HENG Ball

Heng Ball $68 ( 16 ball made)
Queen of Ball $218 (5 made)

U can order now.

In 2014 to 2018: The energy of earth has shifted. Very hostile and unreasonable may surface, work with flower essence and heng ball ba

Heng ball : I activated with many music flower energy, wonder why so many strike My intention is love and harmony wor.

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