Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Heart Very Touched (PROJECT COMPLETED)

Ribbon project group bryan will also request one of the temple in Malecca , light a lamp for all.

Photo: This ribbon project was motivated by last year temple visit;) today and tomorrow I super busy le
Ribbon project was advised by my master to help Singapore students to improve luck by just using simple charitable amount. And no need see FSM spend thousands. All ribbon will be hang for u. I need vegetarian a day le hehhe:>

Donation of ribbon , is $8 all to temple and our volunteer will work to fill up names. (Project completed)

Remember this act is out of compassion heart from my volunteer group which use their free time after work to do it and write ur names with love. Also I am happy for u all being so good to support this ribbon project for the famous temple.

Also I want to personally thank those who
donated $10 and ($10-$8) extra $2in it) we donate rice package for elderly in January. Some give extra and we will get medicated balm for elderly. This is very good act.  I am very happy many of my student make an effort to go extra further.

Blessings come from prayers and helping other goes hand in hand. Jia You. U all did read my hidden words in the post. Good:>

And I am also very very proud of 4 readers, who put ribbon for world peace and Singapore safety. This is very very not easy although ribbon is powerful, u think of the world and all beings . GOOD FOR U.

 Those students who put world peace and bless others than put themselves , I sending u a $100 TAKA voucher as my personal present for u. And a bottle of the new oil.

EVerytime I organise a project, I have a meaning one. I want you all to think further and extend your compassion further. I am glad the ribbon projects is completed le and u all really supportive to the temple.

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