Thursday, December 5, 2013

I must set an Example but must be firm

Many friends say why I put so much heart to my students and class. Well, if u can call me a Lao Shi, than I must also be like a Lao Shi. Actually say people need energy and time. If out of 10000 students, I call you talk to you means , ur luck coming:>

I can joke with you but when come to personal development and handling temper, patience, teachings on Prayers or kindness I will be very direct.

Human like to listen to good things, but don't like to listen to comments. But my Master says only people who willing to listen and say out your weakness than your luck will open.

If I want to, I  can be very commercialise and smile to all and say good things but behind scold you. But I am not like that. I think I will not become PR kind of lao shi. I am the same lao shi to speak direct but for your own good.

Sometimes as we get older, our ego will develop a character that cannot let people say. Dearest all, don't ok. Let people say abit is good.

My Master has infact told me to say people , for people's good. U think say people no need energy ah.

Handling a star that will be with us this 2 YEARS

The energy of our land has developed a Negative Qi call

Black Star Ego  Energy Zapper formation:

Symptom that u kana this star: Leg very tired, neck always ache even massage a lot. heart also not happy and abit of things irritate u. People simple comments may fly u to fire. Also any incident happen, even the minor, u think the worst of people or situations.

This star is a star that will be very strong this 2 year. Nature of this star is, when sometime bad happen or not according to what you want. U think the worst of that person or situation , end up u miss many opportunities or scold wrong people.

To end this star. U can pray to Kwan Kong. Once you pray this 2 months, U can see many situations in your life improves. Also the BIG KNIFE from Kwan Kong will cut away all negative chords that u have attachment with things, people or situations.

How to pray:

Buy 5 Oranges and also some jasmine flowers> Kneel infront of kwan Kong. tell him about ur bad tempered and also situations in life. Ask for forgiveness and transform u to be a better person and luck.

A) Drink Tia Kwan Yin tea a cup before 2pm. ( as and when)
B) Eat Lingzhi capsule (any brand but not cracked spores) daily for a month, once a year. Also never take lingzhi coffee or any mix one. MUST BE PURE LINGZHI
C) PAF lime is a must to clear this bad Star. Use 5 drops in tissue rub office table and put near computer once a week. If u very very Jia Lat use rose balm rub neck daily.

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