Monday, December 30, 2013

Heart Chakra Block. Use CHakra Ball (is $48 each)

Mdm K always feel life meaningless and empty,also she become very fearful of many things....."

First I suggest Mdm K to perform self healing with chakra ball and saying affirmations.

“Change your thoughts, change your life”. It is possible to fill the mind with health thoughts by using positive health affirmations.

Do you have more than 3 in each following problems?
If you have 3 in each means ur heart chakra is weak in energy.

a drop of dragonfly oil on palm rub both balm and inhale from it abit. Than hold chakra ball and put at your chest and say the affirmations u chosen (say all or some)
Once heart chakra heal ur luck will be good. Keep doing daily and one day u will know what I mean.

Mental Effect (identify which u have)

  • cold
  • paranoid
  • indecisive
  • Low energy
  • poor digestion
  • can't reach out
  • victim mentality
  • collapsed middle
  • self conscious
  • low self-esteem
  • blaming of others
  • terrified of rejection
  • fearful
  • weak- will
  • melancholy
  • guilty conscious
  • easily manipulated
  • feel sorry for yourself
  • passive and unreliable
  • attraction to stimulants
  • need constant reassurance
  • afraid of letting go
  • feel unworthy love
  • poor self-discipline

Physical Malfunctions (identify)
  • anger
  • ulcers
  • fatigue
  • cancer
  • paranoia
  • insomnia
  • diabetes
  • pancreas
  • negativity
  • heart pain
  • heart attack
  • hypertension
  • hypoglycemia
  • muscle spasms
  • chronic fatigue
  • eating disorders
  • muscular disorders
  • digestive disorders
  • difficulty breathing
  • high blood pressure
  • gall bladder and liver
  • disorders of stomach


Identify any above problems u have. Write them in diary. Than hold your chakra ball say some of the affirmation below.

Affirmations ( CHoose 3 and say daily for 21 days using chakra ball) :
 Apply some dragonfly oil at ur wrist to feel more effect.
  1. Every day in every way I am getting healthier and healthier and feeling better and better.
  2. Every cell in my body is health conscious. I am a health freak.
  3. I am full of energy and vitality and my mind is calm and peaceful.
  4. I think only positive thoughts and am always happy and joyous, no matter what the external conditions are.
  5. Every day is a new day full of hope, happiness and health.
  6. Good health is my birth right. I bless my body daily and take good care of it.

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