Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Your merits is alot alot accumulated and let us work together as a group to amplify HOR.

Thank you all, I really have the best customer in the Universe. Like if courier no arrive , u will let me know etc. Thank you.

I am planning to have a proper system so your email will be replied promptly and proper tracking.

I have a wish now: To set up a simple prayer website; I need a volunteer web-designer to do it. Who can provide me? If ur son or daughter can design website please help. This site is non profitable but will help many many people. If u are a big boss and have webdesigner... provide me.

Project: Set up a volunteer event list, a few page put Buddhist teaching with nice pictures and a pages on temple visits methods and prayers method with nice icons and pictures.

Mertis: Very Big. As u amplify teachings to the world.

To me priority is setting up Charity Volunteer work and spreading Chinese Tradition of Peace which we lack of.

A lamp offering prayers will dedicate to all charity member, means u all. All from last 2 years charity group. U and your family will be blessed.

What to DO on 17th Nov 2013.
After Volunteer work. I am visiting a temple at 1230pm: Not an event. If I see you I see you ok:>

17 Nov is a BIG DAY:
Vegetarian please.
1) Omhealth with GLPG and Charity group will donate Vegeterian rice packet to Elderly and we ensure donate good quality food.
2) For all my students please help me chant minimum 9 times Cundi Mantra and dedicate to Universe all beings .
3) Wash toilet and shower with final rinse of 5 element oil hor.

To me when we do donation of food or medicine, we give people the best.

Dear all, I busy until forget to update my skincare and aroma oil. Please support can? Best to get now is Organic Lavender water, spf25 sunscreen.

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