Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Year End le :Office suffering removal remedies: And also removal of misunderstanding.

Is 620am. Everyday I wake up at 5am. Between 5am to 530am. I will pray, breakfast than do breathing exercise. 530 am to 6am... I do reflections... I am a person need a lot of wake up my idea... ahahh I can be very very aggressive character if I don't learn to improve myself.

And start work around 6am. But I sleep at 1030pm latest.

Today I write this article is inspired by what happen to many during the Bai Bai Class. As many suffers a lot in office. So this article is for you.

Year End Reflections: Multimedia Arrows.

Year end le. Is very important to reflect on our energy and character .

One weakness I have when I was young was jumping into conclusion and not being an understanding auditor back in 1998 .

I joined a very famous company  in 1997 and determined  to work hard in hope of quick promotion.
And yes within 3 years, I was promoted and join another company to become Head of Department.
( same as now, I work on weekends and no go out one, so u can see I don't have much life, now I still work on weekends but I got life that is happiness with u all and charity groups)

Being  head of Audit Department.--- Everyday my life was follow the book. I audit projects and companies with very strict style. Email that I sent out are all very very strong words. And if people do not fulfil the company's procedure or my deadlines ... they get it, I can send very very long email and can be quite piercing . No people go lunch with me ahahhah.

So in 2001, something happened changed me. My Master from Bukit Merah, taught me the art of WORDS... Many wordswordswords... become sword.... This sword can heal people or bring people down. Is my choice to change the world or not. And I got myself certified in positive affirmation which how my PAF class come about.

As a successful auditor, bosses and board of Directors like u, as u always help company in achieving standards. But the others hated u.  At that time, my email was not like this kind of English in blog. I use the words like : Disappointed....., no integrity, bring down the company's standards...

Imagine, if last time I was ur company auditor.... how much hatred I may create. My ex-company where I work, I don't like to  praise or slap horse fart to get things done, I give difficult people no face even u close a lot of sales for a company and I don't care. (u can see this kind of me , is quite evil ba)

Email is known as a invisible poison arrow or an arrow of medicine. It can bring people down and can motivate people. And a lot of times when we send email , we can be emotional at that moment and once the send button pressed, damage is done. And this arrow, will come back one and affect u.

I was awaken by my Master and in 2001 , I ask for transfer and attached myself to be in project team. Ahahah yes..... I fully understand why certain procedure cant follow ontime... is because of many factors... and from that day... I am a nice auditor. Before we jump to conclusion and see thew worst of people. Spend time to be in their shoes. Example, u want to queue up to see The GREATMASTER in Bangkok, but many times u no chance to see, will u say the Master is proud or is ego? No just that Master too many people.... u can be patient, try and try again.

I resigned from Head of Department in 2007 and full time in natural therapy till today. And now I am still advisor consultant for an IT company.

Sometimes, I reflect I think back... Once a blue moon, I am still like the old auditor ahahaha I was. But I learn not to fall in trap. leopards cannot change the spot right?... But I work hard daily to dilute this spots with love and light.... 

I must tell you. I was a very aggressive and impatient person. And when people mistaken me in certain things last time, I will go through all the way, turn the world up side down to rectify. But I was never evil in office to do bad things. Just that I follow the books.  I work without bias in office ,once u didn't fulfil my audit checklist , u get it.

Email is art of POWER QI: It can create poison arrows.
So personally I want to share with your.  Send your email with love and understanding and care. [ Dearest all, I am learning, when sometimes too busy I may fall into the bossye reply ahaha, which that is why , when too busy I scare to reply sms, email...]

Time has changed: In the past people communicates through words. Words can create Qi and build a good aura to help people. mantra are make of words, ur email are make of words, my blog and completed with words. Words can help people , words can destroy a person.

I write this is for all , who suffers in office by bosses who send nasty email to you, supervisors who discourages you with email and people who like to use CC and BCC and say u....

TIPSof good luck email: Before u send any email, read again and think. Than send button and chant ommani padme hung.

If office people send fierce email... after read... go to him or her direct with a smile and explain. Or call talk on phone.

Office Politics or Suffering  removal Remedies:

Put a Gui Ren bag besides your computer. It was taught by my first teacher in Australia, Mr Stuart. Sir Stuart, thank you.

( This blog is dedicate for those last time kana affectd by Office Politics)
Take back your powerBATH

Kaffir Lime 5 drops in pail of water and final rinse after shower. When rinsing say out alout, 心清人定,还我原神。

Office bully by people: Bring a bottle of oil and 5 oranges to any Da Bo Gong temple pray. After pray bring back 2 orange. Go home and eat. And don't mention again about office politics to anyone.


In your own shower products :

Add in

10 drops Kaffir Lime -- clear poison arrows
5 drops 5 element oil --- balance 5 element and cleansing
5 drops rose geranium  --- Love luck
5 drops Healing Trees Oil --- Ground urself and protections

Shake it well.

This shower Gel u use when u feel:

B) Dishearten
C) Angry
D) Bullied
E) After u scold people (which is no good)

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