Thursday, November 28, 2013

Temple Visit 1st Dec

Is a very focus energy on the temples:>

And marked by famous fengshui masters secretly of HIGH energy. And I will bring u all there.
Make sure u be good boy and good girl.
Final temple I have invited a reputable TAOIST MASTER:
Once arrive wait for instructions.
He will do 30mins prayers just for u all. Your trip fair is used for this also.
All money go to BUS, Prayers and Charity. So ur $10 give to your bus leader in the bus.

1st Dec 2013

Rain or Shine is a test. When I say test means a test. After temple visit no matter what we face remember is a milestone to go HIGHER level.

THere will be a Taoist and Musician SPonsored by

Howard, Miss Ong, Julie, Violet Lee, Jasmine, Jennifer Koh, Laura, Joyce, Jessie, Chen Fong, Bryan, Michelle, Jenny Goh

Also on 3rd Day CHinese New Year: Event have dragon lion dance and also 
3 TAOIST MASTER for first time in 187 years by Lao Shi Gan to organise

Sponsored by
Bryan Lao Shi and 18 friends:>


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