Monday, November 18, 2013

Prevent Sickness Class : How Hindu friends also use flowers for remedies

This Sunday

Is specially design in Chinese for all to attend. Learn something for urself and also help people.

Is art of aroma, herbs and acupressure and anti aging.

Always go pray must also learn practical techniques ok:>


Today I went temple for prayers also this class success. Look a health fire appear, I hope u all make effort and if parents can bring them; See the fire , is dragon of health:> I hope u all make an effort.

For those luck always block sometimes is five organ block, u cannot also think left think right. Make effort come for this SUNDAY class whether gather REN and YI Qi to improve health and luck will come. 

All will receive an ancient Herb Incense Stick x 1. Got money also difficult buy. :>

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