Sunday, November 10, 2013

Official Miracle Happen Berry Bright Star Coin

Hulu coin will be launched only when 3 miracles happens so 
A) one of them is rainbow appear on sky (thanks to Richard ur sms is amazing)
B) I must see red dragonflies.
C) Some kind of lottery energy (signify open luck, please this coin is not for lottery). And one day I announce a lottery will appear and yes in the coin I secretly ask master to laser 6 one side and 9 one side and the day of announcement secondary (yesterday) open 6996 and on Saturday(6) and and 9th November .
 Alot of times when we do things sincerely the sign given will be so precious.
Laser of 500 coins with 6 and 9 is to ensure heaven earth energy appear in coin and also prevent people copy the coin ahahh.. But now can announce le:>

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