Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Angels from your family

Very often, a family member, such as a grandparent will choose to become a "personal angel" to a grandchild and will "hold them up" trough their entire lives, even if that child never knew that family member.

That's where feelings of being showered in unconditional love come from. U know like sometimes in the most stressful sad moment, there is a split seconds of warmth touches ur heart and u feel like abit tear tear kind or when u go shopping and for no reason there is a moment of split seconds of JOY:>

 These "personal angels" are holding us up and giving us courage to continue on our own journey through mortality.

Spirit Guides – Spirit guides are often confused with guardian angels but they are in fact different.  Spirit guides have lived on the earthly plane at some point.  They also are there to protect you, guide you, support you, and comfort you.  Spirit guides are typically deceased relatives such as parents, grandparents, great grandparents, friends and more.  Spirit guides can at times function as a guardian angel in the event that you are facing a life-endangering event.

But to me, my grandparents are my personal guardian angel. 

 Chinese pay alot of observations on ancestors prayers and respect but by our generation or future generations it will be not so much le:> So I make an effort and hope u all pay respect to ancestor on BIG CHinese Days like: Qing Ming etc... 

For any other religion, u can do charity and dedicate to ur grandparents who has pass on:> 

There are a lot of other guides which are in my life since I am a practicing natural therapy , thank you all Gurus and Angels:>

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