Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Lao Shi Bryan Famous 5 Dynasty Coin (Avaliable for 2014)

Bryan's 5 dynasty coin was interviewed in media:> What are the meaning ?

Is all activated with Bryan's 3fold flame. Is religious heheh so other religion this may not suit u if u don't want to:>

And is a coin for appease Tai Sui too:>
Meaning of five dynasty coin see blog
Firstly, who are the Five Qing Emperors?
The First Emperor of Qing Dynasty: Emperor Shun Zhi (清朝開朝皇帝順治)
New Beginnings , Transformations

The Second Emperor of Qing Dynasty: Emperor Kang Xi (康熙皇帝)
Abundance and Love and Money and Spiritual

The Third Emperor of Qing Dynasty: Emperor Yong Zheng (雍正皇帝)
Courage, Strength , fearlessness positive way

The Fourth Emperor of Qing Dynasty: Emperor Qian Long (乾隆皇帝)
Wisdom, Smart, Compassion

The Fifth Emperor of Qing Dynasty: Emperor Jia Qing (嘉慶皇帝)
 Hardship, Determination and Striving

Secondly, why only these Five Qing Emperors are being chosen?

There are a few sayings, but after referring back to the real History, the most relevant reasons are like that

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