Monday, September 30, 2013


2nd Nov  

ORGANISE THE  final Da Jia Lai Bai Bai Class

I chosen 2nd Nov known as Diamond Cutter Peak Day.

This day: Do POWERBATH (CLICK ME), please add 5 drops rice bran oil to the pail.

I will explain why in 5th Jan 2014.
 Welcome Horse Year Talk.

STory: My life is full of amazing adventure... Dragonflies 200 appear and share news... Green Butterflies appear with messages.... Yesterday my house a bat stay in living room for times and fly to window. Symbolise new Luck Energy and Preparing my 5th Jan 2014 talk for all. Luckily I am not fortune teller... I can share all this experience with truth with u, no need convince anyone... I am glad my life is filled with miracles and yours too if u open ur calm ur heart and listems.

Black black is the bat!!! 福气到
 (Those who have my FU QI COIN, this Novemever start using it to make wish.)

New Coin for 2014 will be out soon. IS specially designed forever use.
Photo: 蝙蝠Stay in living room whole morning and now stay at window;) 福到好运到!

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