Thursday, September 26, 2013

Welcome Horse Year Talk 5th Jan 2014

This talk will focus a lot on

1) Techniques for better luck
2) 600 Chant 5 mins mantra for the year together and prayers blessed by 3 temple at 1015am (SUPER HENG)
3) 15mins track reveal of past 3 years powerful method and put into use for 2014.
4) All fun fun part yet good lessons for u.

With so much digging done in 2013, (shouldn't be , as all 9 stars return home). Many are affected. Many first time in Singapore... from haze to building close down because of water JAMed. Bryan has explained clearly in 2013 why.... But who will listen?

register with name and mobile and make payment $39 to POSB saving 033485310 and a number will be given to u.

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