Thursday, August 15, 2013

Handling People --- to be continued

One thing about working in office job, be it engineer or accountant. The main problems comes not from job but human relationships.

People are constantly changing and growing. Don't cling to a limited , disconnected negative image of a person in the past. See that person now.

Learn to be a molecule at work... How? Let me teach u in PAF class.

In office normally

1) Gossiper (well we all gossip) but this type say left and right. 
Karma: Cant promote, always stay same level

2) Show off type, in front big boss show respect and like a dog, but for those lower one always show face... Hmm this type quite obvious one are HR( last time in office my experience.)
Karma: Once no job cant find

 3) 3 headed snake.
Karma: Project always alot obstacles.

 4) Smiley type but alot hidden agenda.
Karma: Promote fast but family or friends relationship not good

 5) Siao Za bo type, cry in office . Like always whole world against u. DOnt ever cry in office, no one will pity u. Cry in toilet and shit out can already.
Karma: Nothing much ... just that , will age fast and cannot catch up fashion even u wear poker dots. No ren Yuan

6) Boss got 2 types: Female one must admit difficult to handle, u are emo because female are born to stay home and find a good husband, be Tai Tai and no need work. Environment change but Yin and Yang same. SO no choice. 
Female boss, makeup always got two extreme:

1) Totally no makeup: U need to listen to her, be righteous and she very firm one . ( but last time I melt their heart easily, by getting them some nice cakes -- amara hotel strawberry)

2) Full makeup, typical tight skirt long type: See already u no appetite to work. This type, need a cute man talk to them... slowly be in their good book.  Need to carry balls (err sorry no balls)... Need to say they pretty in a very tactical way... too obvious they know. Art of speech, is to say until they dont know.

3) Fashionable boss: Err normally just dont bother. U just praise her dressing can le. Than bring her eat expensive buffet one time. But this time can be troublesome, everything also dont know , u need to be more hardworking.

Male boss: Everything ok, lazy... sometimes u think might as well u be boss. ahahha. 

Ask alot boss : Simple things wan u explain like heaven of earth. Waste time.
Stingy Boss and Small gas boss: Err see u better, scare head office will like u better.

Aroma Oil to Use:

Friday: 5 element oil shower final rinse body
Monday and Tuesday: Lavendula and Grapefruitpink in tissue wipe office table
Wednesday: Home final rinse with Bryan relax Blend.

Thursday: Drink Grape juice (can one also ok but buy most expensive one)

Super Ren Yuan: ROse Balm: Works wonder. And also Tranquility Healing Spray in office dissolve all conflicts.

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