and you will receive all kinds of good blessings (but if u do and intention wan good luck, is equal zero... it becomes selfish)
德: Big heart and forgive people at all times. Watch your action, and temper and thinking. Something like ZEN.
Watch the words u say and does it hurt people. Also how u handle people who bully u. Also how to let go and forgive enemies . Do good things, say good words, motivate people .
Alot of times, basically, we leave day by day. Do nothing bad and do nothing good. So ur luck remain same. Worst still, I think we do more bad than good, like gossips ah, say people ah, look down at people ah. Talk bad about ur boss ah... etc... Do good may be once a blue moon do donation because u feel like is no good but what u do is for ur FU and DE part u did nothing.
We all want to have Fu and De. But what have we done to achieve that? I see many only do FU and no DE.
Start small for DE.
I lost temper quite easily one, many years ago, countless customer I scolded. But now reduce to once a blue moon. And slowly improve and be more patience.
Also I see people who join certain group, put on a mask suddenly become so kind, so Patience so calming and so compassion, but is the act only, deep inside still very unbalance... I prefer u , slowly improve but show people the real u. I went to this type of group before.... very fake... Uncle me cant take it.
My techniques: Example last week, I met a very difficult Taxi driver, normal people will lost temper one. But I didnt. I close my eyes take a deep breathe and imagine Kwan Yin in my heart giving light out. Than I inhale lavender a drop from wrist. Immediately I didnt scold the driver. And that day whole day very good luck.
This is call DE 德:
A person can chant alot and pray alot and help people alot but if no "DE" (means improving ownself character) ... Luck will be the same.
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