Thursday, March 14, 2013

PAF is here again (200 seats Only)

Bryan Lao Shi Famous Positive Affirmation Seminar (alternate year now) is ready for registrations

DEtails: at  Omhealth,

14th Sep 2013. ( Old students who attended can come renew with new information). Ur fees will be $30, new PAF students is $35

A unique Approach to Lifelong Vitality. Also segment of talk were once introduced in FM 93.8 . U are able to experience the power of Therapy methods.

Worries are hard to eliminate. You kill off some and others seem to swarm in seemingly from nowhere. They almost bite the life out of you. Just as u use ant poison to kill the pests that infest your house, so you must use the chemical of peace to destroy thoughts of worry.

Every time a swarm of worries and pain invades you, refuse to be bothered, and wait calmly, seeking the remedy. Spray the appearing worries with your powerful peace ....... 

COme for this powerful workshop. Include the Famous Australia method of Molecular healing.

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