Thursday, March 21, 2013

My own creation

Last 2 years I activated Fame and Wellness position like 1,6,8 with wealthbowl, 6 d and 5 d coin.

For me I use this method to activate natural help.
U ever wonder, who so many famous therapist in Singapore, omhealth selected for Taiwan show, and we have no shop and etc. U ever wonder why omhealth also can do radio.

First of course is hardwork and sincere to people and than rose quartz will amplify ten times to surround u with love and people come assist u.

Before that to me a 6D coin hulu at main door is so important!!

[Send Universe Love Formation]

This formation helps to send love to people around u and constantly turn negativity to love energy.
Even u dont feel it soon u will know it happens. Also it activate gui ren all directions.

How u prepare this le ?

Simple: After that keep the stone on paper in drawer can le. Once awhile take out and read the affirmations. Slowly u will find ur ren yuan getting better. Even have bad people stare at u badly, it deflect away their negativity.

Step A: Write words and ur name

Step B: Fold and put rose quartz on top.
Put this in living room drawer or ur own drawer.

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