Friday, March 29, 2013

Da Bei Can [ Translate to English]

大悲忏 是大慈大悲观世音菩萨 佛教中千手千眼观世音菩萨 
看见众生疾苦 生老病死 轮回6道中 
一切皆是个人所造罪恶 及 恶业所至 
大悲忏又叫《慈悲观音宝忏》以《大悲咒》为主 观音菩萨象说话一样 
让众生看到自己所造诸恶罪障! 并心诚则灵 观音菩萨的圣号 
和菩萨的慈悲 让众生脱离苦海 一切恶和罪障皆消除! 
脱苦得乐 南无大悲观世音菩萨 ~~
FOund a new temple, soon will book a bus we go together hehehe.
 Great Compassion Dharani Repentance.

The「Great Compassion Dharani Repentance」 is short for the 《Thousand arms and thousand eyes Compassion Dharani Repentance》(or《Sahasrabhuja-sahasranetra Compassion Dharani Repentance》). 

 Its principal contents are the recitation of the 「Great Compassion Mantra」. This mantra contains eighty four phrases. It is one of the most often recited mantras by Buddhists. The principal contents of the ceremonial procedure include reciting the「Great Compassion Mantra」fourteen times. 

Through reciting the mantra mindfully, sincerely praying for empowerment and at the same time experiencing the power of all Buddha’s and Bodhisattva’s genuine vows, and further through reflecting inwardly on one’s body and mind, relinquishing attachment and eradicating sinful hindrances, humanity would arise and Bodhi’s vow would be attained. 

By participating in the「Great Compassion Dharani Repentance Ceremony」, our bodies and minds are purified, our sinful hindrances will be eradicated and every path will become a smooth one through praying to Bodhisattva Guanyin (Avalokitesvara) and all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for empowerment.

Repentance is like a mirror of mind.

Prostration repentance can nourish one’s abilities to contemplate and to reflect inwardly, and can further inspire the momentum of diligent practice on the path of the attainment of Buddhahood. 

From the adornment of the altar to the commencing of the embellished purifying ceremony for the purpose of purifying participants’ karma of body, speech and mind, as well as through making offerings according to the Dharma, the sincere prostration and respect, the generation of vows and recitations of Buddha’s name, sincere repentance, inclination to homage (take refuge), the Ceremony is designed, through the conduct of repentance, in accordance with the ceremonial procedures to eradicate one’s sinful hindrances and purify one’s body and mind.

 By means of repentance prostration, one would eradicate one’s misfortune and purify one’s karma. And, one would further through self liberation arise in utmost Bodhi mind that is comparable to Bodhisattva Guanyin’s compassion and would benefit and help others with skillful mean 

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